The Assembly,
TAKES NOTE of the report of the meeting of the AIDS Watch Africa Heads of States and Government and the recommendations therein;
WELCOMES the on-going efforts of Member States to strengthen health systems in line with the Africa Health Strategy (2016-2030) and the Catalytic Framework to End AIDS, TB and Eliminate Malaria in Africa by 2030;
URGES Member States to further pursue initiatives to build strong Human Resources for Health (HRH) including harnessing the role of Community Health Workers (CHWs); ENDORSES the 2 million CHWs initiative and requests UNAIDS, WHO and other partners to support and facilitate its implementation;
APPLAUDS, the significant progress made in the reduction of mortality and new rates of HIV infection, RECOGNISES importance to address the unmet needs of young people and adolescents so as to harness the demographic dividend; but CONCERNED that the West and Central Africa region is lagging behind and the urgent need to address hepatitis B co-infection; ENDORSES the Emergency Catch up Plan to accelerate the HIV response and REQUESTS UNAIDS, WHO and other partners to support and facilitate its implementation;
COMMENDS Member States who have pledged support to the 5th Global Fund Replenishment and ENCOURAGES others to contribute to the fund;
GRAVELY CONCERNED that TB, a concomitant infection of HIV continues to lag behind in terms of investments and response; CALLS UPON Member States to increase coverage and access to services for detection and treatment of TB, Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) particularly for people living with HIV, children and mine workers;
CALLS UPON Member States and development partners to support the AU Campaign to Eliminate New HIV Infections in Children and Keep Mothers Alive as part of the Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free collaborative Framework;
COMMENDS efforts towards the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa (PMPA) and its Business Plan including plans to establish a Fund for African Pharmaceutical Development (FAP-D) and the progress being made towards the establishment of the African Medicines Agency (AMA);
COMMITS to sustain the gains made in the fight against Malaria and monitor antimalarial drug resistance and insecticide resistance; COMMITS ALSO to
invest in the development and regulation of the gene-drive technology as well as other new innovations including next generation insecticides for Indoor Residual Spraying and Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets, Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy for the elimination of malaria and REQUESTS the Commission, WHO and NEPAD Agency to support these initiatives;
ENDORSES the AWA Strategic Framework (2016-2030) and REQUESTS the Commission working with partners and Member States to expeditiously facilitate its implementation;
REAFFIRMS our commitments to the Abuja 15% target on domestic financing for health and REQUESTS the Commission to continue to produce the Africa Scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health annually to monitor progress;
the Chairperson of the Assembly, H.E. President Alpha Conde, to engage relevant partners, particularly the G20 in support of strengthening Human Resources for Health in Africa including the 2 million Community Health Initiative and URGES the Commission, in collaboration with UNAIDS, WHO and other partners to support the countries efforts to implement the initiative and report yearly on progress;
the Chairperson of AWA to report on the progress made to the June/July 2018 Ordinary Session of the Assembly.