Decision on Outcomes of COP 23/CMP 13 and Africa’s Engagements at the Global Climate Change Conference at COP24/CMP 14 - Doc. Assembly/AU/9(XXX)


Doc. Assembly/AU/9(XXX)

The Assembly,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Coordinator of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC), H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of Gabon, and Chairperson of the Commiteee of African Heads of State and Government on the outcomes of the global Climate Change negotiations at the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 13th Meeting of the Parties serving as the Conference of the Parties to its Kyoto Protocol, and the second part of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP 23/CMP13/CMA1.2); and ENDORSES the recommendations therein;

  2. ALSO TAKES NOTE with appreciation of the CAHOSCC preparatory meeting held in New York, and that facilitated the adoption of the CAHOSCC Key Messages;

  3. SALUTES the diligence of the Members of CAHOSCC for the commendable political directive and guidance they provided that has concretised Africa’s solidarity and Pan-Africanism at the negotiations and contributed to the adoption of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a result of a strong united voice;

  4. COMMENDS the work of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), the African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN), the Commission, Pan African institutions such as NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and that of partners such as UNDP, UNEP, UNFCCC Secretariat, the World Bank, as well as other relevant institutions and development partners for supporting Africa in addressing the crucial issue of Climate Change;

  5. ACKNOWLEDGES the efforts of the Commission along with Pan-African and other relevant institutions and development partners; the African Parliamentarians; the Civil Society Group, including the women and youth groups; the Media and all friends and collaborators in the implementation of climate actions for the realization of Agenda 2063;

  6. RECOGNIZES the efforts of the Commission, in collaboration with NPCA, Pan-African Parliament, AfDB and UNECA that jointly organized an Africa Day high-level and technical side event on 15 November 2017 at COP 23/CMP13/ CMA1.2along with the Central African region: ECCAS, Gabon, Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo;

  7. APPLAUDS Fiji in collaboration with Germany for successfully hosting COP 23/CMP13/CMA1.2 and APPRECIATES Germany for the additional contribution of€50 million to the Adaptation Fund announced at the meeting and ALSO RECOGNISES France for jointly hosting the One Planet Summit along with other key Partners in December 2017 and for mobilizing more resources to implement laudable initiatives and projects for climate action as part of the implementation of the Paris Agreement;

  8. URGES developed country Parties to scale up the current levels of climate finance, through agreement among Parties on concrete pathways and accounting methodologies for achieving the collective goal by developed countries to mobilize USD 100 billion a year by 2020 and beyond, while striking a balance in the allocation of financial resources between adaptation and mitigation as a trust-building effort in the negotiations, and including a significant increase in grant-based support for adaptation and adequate support for capacity building and technology transfer;

  9. STRESSES the importance of initiating substantive negotiations, immediately and prior to the completion of the Paris Work Programme, on the long-term finance goal for the post-2025 period, so as to ensure scaled up, additional and predictable levels of public finance to implement developing countries’ ambitious nationally determined contributions;

  10. FURTHER URGES the Parties and the COP23 and COP24 Presidencies to expedite action on consultations involving specific needs and special circumstances of Africa, as mandated by COP22 to urgently reach consensus for support to the African populace, especially the most vulnerable communities such as women, youth and children to benefit from the implementation of the Paris Agreement;

  11. CALLS ON all Parties to work together as 2018 is crucial in the context ofTalanoa Dialogue and the need to advance work on the pre-2020 agenda and agree on the details of the 'Paris Rulebook', which will be announced at COP24 in Poland to deliver Planet Earth from the looming danger of slow and insufficient actions to deliver progress on the support to the developing countries especially Africa in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs); and ALSO URGES Member States to facilitate the AMCEN and AGN members to participate in all negotiation processes towards the Talanoa (Facilitative Dialogue) and COP 24;

  12. FURTHER URGES partners to support African countries in the implementation of their NDCs and laudable continental initiatives such as the High-Level Work Programme on Climate Change Action in Africa (WPCCAA) with components on Gender Women and Youth Programmes on Climate Change; Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) Programme Phase 2; and Africa Climate

Resilient Investment Facility (Afri-Res) as well as the regional initiatives such as the African Adaptation Initiative; Africa Renewable Energy Initiative as well as the 3 Climate Commissions on Sahel, Congo Basin and Island States; and the Adaptation of African Agriculture Initiative among others;

  1. COMMENDS the CAHOSCC members for their personal commitments in maintaining the unity of purpose and providing political directives; AMCEN for its guidance; and the tireless efforts of AGN in remaining focused around Africa’s Common Position, and Key Political Messages, the Commission, AfDB, UNEP, UNECA, AMCEN Secretariat and other development partners that have supported the negotiators for Africa to continue to speak with one voice;

  2. ENCOURAGES CAHOSCC Members to participate at all CAHOSCC meetings at the Heads of State and Government level;

  3. CALLS ON partners, UN and international organizations to support the continental, regional and national efforts on the implementation of NDCs in Africa;

  4. APPROVES the recommendation that Egypt and Mali join CAHOSCC on the ground of strong commitment during their tenures as members of the Committee;

  5. REQUESTS the AfDB, UNECA, UNEP, other UN and International Agencies / Organizations and development partners to support the Commission, AMCEN and the African Group of Negotiators and African States at all levels in the implementation of this Decision.

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