Doc. Assembly/AU/6(XXX)
The Assembly,
URGES the Malagasy parties to favour consensus with a view to establishing the
conditions for a calm political climate that is conducive to the organisation of free, transparent and credible elections, in strict conformity with the provisions of the Malagasy Constitution. In that respect, the Assembly CONGRATULATES the Chairperson of the Commission on his efforts to support Madagascar in the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law, and ENCOURAGES his High Representative to pursue and intensify his interaction with all the stakeholders in Madagascar;
TAKES NOTE of the launching by the Commission, in close collaboration with the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in Khartoum, from 8 to 10 October 2017, of the consultative process towards the development of a regional strategy for peace and security in the Horn of Africa, in line with the decision Assembly/AU/Dec. 472(XX) adopted in January 2013, in which the Assembly reiterated its support for a regional and holistic approach to resolving challenges to peace, security and stability in the Horn of Africa, in support of IGAD;
WELCOMES the signing, on 21 December 2017, by the South Sudanese stakeholders of an Agreement of Cessation of Hostilities, Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Access, and COMMENDS IGAD for leading the High Level Revitalization Forum, which presents a unique opportunity for the implementation of the Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCSS), in line with the Communique of the 720th meeting of the PSC, held at ministerial level, in New York, on 20 September 2017. The Assembly CONGRATULATES IGAD and the Chairperson of the Commission for their efforts that led to that achievement, towards finding a lasting solution to the conflict that continues to devastate South Sudan. The Assembly EXPRESSES DEEP CONCERN over the repeated violations of the Agreement by the parties, resulting in further deterioration of the already dire humanitarian situation caused by the ongoing conflict, and DEMANDS all warring parties to immediately put an end to all military actions and comply scrupulously with their commitments, as contained in the Agreement of 21 December 2017. The Assembly COMMENDS the AU High Representative for South Sudan, Alpha Oumar Konare, former President of Mali, and the Chair of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission [JMEC], Festus Mogae, former President of Botswana, for their collective efforts towards implementation of the ARCSS. The Assembly WELCOMES efforts by Presidents Yoweri K. Museveni of Uganda and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt that led to the Cairo Declaration and the Entebbe Agreement aimed at reuniting the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). Furthermore, the Assembly
COMMENDS the Transitional Government of National Unity (ToGNU) for formally accepting the Memorandum of Understanding establishing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan. The Assembly WELCOMES the enhanced coordination efforts between the IGAD, the AU and the UN;
NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the significant decrease of hostilities between the Government of Sudan and the rebel forces in Darfur and COMMENDS the Government of Sudan for extending the unilateral ceasefire as announced on 8 October 2017 and ENCOURAGES the armed movements to also reciprocate the overture meant for maintaining peace and stability in Darfur. The Assembly COMMENDS the United Nations African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) for the progress made on the first phase of the reconfiguration exercise and URGES the Mission to ensure the second phase is also completed in June 2018, in line with the schedule outlined in the relevant PSC communiques and press statements, as well as UN Security Council resolutions. In this regard, the Assembly UNDERSCORES THE NEED to reflect in the UNAMID reviewed mandate the new configuration in Darfur to ensure that the Mission’s priorities are aligned with the realities on the ground, including the much-needed support for reconstruction and stabilization;
COMMENDS the rapprochement between the Republics of South Sudan and Sudan, in line with the Cooperation Agreement of 2012, and as a step further towards the objective to achieve two states at peace with each other. The Assembly ENCOURAGES Sudan and South Sudan to enhance their cooperation towards reinforcing good neighbourliness and addressing border insecurity. The Assembly CALLS FOR greater commitment by the two countries for the resolution of the issues relating to the Two Areas of Blue Nile and South Kordofan and Abyei.
COMMENDS the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and all Somali stakeholders for the continued gains being made towards consolidating peace, stability and reconciliation in Somalia, with the support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and partners. The Assembly FURTHER COMMENDS the efforts deployed towards reconciliation to enhance the working relations between the FGS and its Federal Member States (FMS), which augurs well for the consolidation of peace and stability in Somalia. In this context, the Assembly HAILS the visits undertaked by H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo, President of Somalia, to central and northern regions of Galmudug and Puntland for consultations with the stakeholders in these areas. The Assembly REAFFIRMS ITS FULL SUPPORT to the FGS, as well as its determination to spare no efforts towards achieving lasting peace, security and reconciliation in Somalia. The Assembly WELCOMES the progress made to date in the fight against the al-Shabaab terrorist group, thanks to the joint efforts by AMISOM and the Somali National Security Forces (SNSF). In this regard, the Assembly ENCOURAGES AMISOM to remain resolute and steadfast in discharging its mandate. Furthermore,, the Assembly UNDERLINES THE
URGENT NEED for AMISOM to be provided with a predictable and sustainable funding and the requisite equipment to enhance its capacity, including force enablers and multipliers, with a view to enabling it to more effectively discharge its mandate, in line with the conclusions of the All-UN Joint Review and in the spirit of the UN-AU Joint Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security, signed on 19 April 2017. The Assembly WELCOMES the appointment by the Chairperson of the Commission and the UN Secretary General of Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria, and Mr. Jean-Marie Guehenno, former UN Under Secretary General in charge of Peacekeeping Operations, to recommend to the AU and the UN the best options for predictable and sustainable funding for AMISOM and the Somali security forces.
WELCOMES the progress made in the electoral process in the DRC, notably the announcement on 5 November 2017 of an electoral calendar setting the date of 23 December 2018 for the holding of the provincial, legislative and presidential elections, and URGES AU Member States with the necessary logistical capabilities, to generously make them available to the DRC for the success of the electoral process. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the AU, SADC, ICGLR, and the United Nations to continue to work together for coherent and effective financial, logistical and security support to the DRC, and INVITES the international community to give the necessary support for the holding of elections within the timeframe as announced on 5 November 2017. The Assembly EXPRESSES ITS FULL SUPPORT for the efforts of the Chairperson of the Commission with the Congolese authorities, and URGES them to take measures aimed at defusing political tension. The Assembly CALLS UPON all the Congolese parties to exercise utmost restraint in that regard and CONDEMNS all forms of violence and DEEPLY DEPLORES the loss of human lives;
REAFFIRMS the leading role of the AU in the efforts to implement the African Initiative in the CAR and URGES all armed groups to put an end to violence and the use of weapons throughout the territory. The Assembly CALLS UPON CAR neighbouring States, members of the Facilitation Panel, to fully cooperate and work towards the success of the Initiative by taking internal steps to control and prevent the movements of armed groups in their territories. The Assembly STRESSES THE IMPORTANCE of complementarity between MINUSCA and the African Mission for Central Africa (MISAC), with a view to restoring State authority and the adherence of armed groups to Disarmament, Demobilisation, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR) programmes. The Assembly ENCOURAGES the Government of the CAR to continue its recovery and peacebuilding efforts despite the many challenges the country faces, and the partners to continue to provide their support in the reconstruction of the CAR;
REAFFIRMS the commitment of the AU to a peaceful resolution of the political situation in Burundi through an inclusive dialogue on the basis of the Arusha Agreement of 28 August 2000 and the Constitution of Burundi and APPEALS to the Burundian authorities to initiate all constitutional reforms through a broad consensus of all stakeholders. The Assembly AWAITS the result of the efforts of the East African Community (EAC) Facilitator, former President Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania, under the leadership of the EAC Mediator, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and EXPRESSES its readiness to deploy the High Level Committee of Heads of State on Burundi. The Assembly CALLS, ONCE AGAIN, on the Government of Burundi to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on the activities of the AU Human Rights Observers and Military Experts;
CALLS UPON the Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to abide by their commitments and URGES them to comply with and implement the 2016 Bissau Roadmap and Conakry Agreement, so as to resolve the crisis and ensure a successful and timely conduct of the upcoming 2018 legislative elections. The Assembly UNDERSCORES the primary responsibility of the President of the Republic to promote the compliance with the necessary conditions for an inclusive and genuine dialogue to bring about peace and stability in the country and URGES all stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau to refrain from actions that could further ignite the crisis. The Assembly REITERATES ITS SUPPORT to the mediation efforts being deployed by the ECOWAS, including the role being played by the ECOMIB in maintaining and enhancing stability in Guinea-Bissau. The Assembly, recognising the critical role of the mission in the resolution of the crisis and restoration of peace and stability in Guinea Bissau, CALLS FOR the renewal of ECOMIB mandate, as well as for joint efforts to mobilize financial resources to support the continuation of its operation in the country;
COMMENDS the progress made thus far in the implementation of the 20 June 2015 Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali which resulted from the Algiers process. In this context, the Assembly FURTHER COMMENDS, in particular, the efforts deployed by the Government of Mali in the conduct of political dialogue with other stakeholders, which led to the adoption of a Roadmap of proirity actions to be taken with a view to accelerating the peace process. The Assembly also URGES the signatory parties of the Agreement to persevere in its implementation, as well as implement the said Roadmap, particularly with respect to demobilization, disarmament and reintergration, and security in order to contribute to the fight against terrorism;
URGES, ONCE AGAIN, the Malian parties to redouble their efforts with a view to ensuring the speedy implementation of the provisions laid down in the Agreement, and WELCOMES the signing of a Ceasefire Agreement on 23 August 2017 and the commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities, signed on 20 September 2017, by the armed groups that are signatories to the Algiers Agreement. The Assembly FURTHER URGES the Malian parties to reach a consensus for the organization of the upcoming election in 2018. The Assembly COMMENDS MINUSMA for the work accomplished and RENEWS THE AU’S SUPPORT for its stabilization efforts in Mali, and REITERATES ITS SUPPORT to Resolution 2374(2017), within the
accelerate the process for the implementation of the Algiers Agreement. The Assembly EXPRESSES, ONCE AGAIN, ITS DEEP CONCERN at the continuous deterioration of the security situation in Mali and the Sahel region due to continuation of the scourge of terrorism and organized transnational crime, and STRONGLY CONDEMNS all terrorist attacks against civilians and Malian and international forces;
WELCOMES the operationalization of the G5 Sahel Joint Force and requests the Commission and Member States to provide support for the Force in its mission to combat terrorism and transnational organized crime in the Sahel. In that regard, the Assembly CALLS ON the international community to support the organization of the High-Level International Conference on the Sahel to be held on 23 February 2018 in Brussels;
REITERATES that terrorism and violent extremism continue to represent the most dangerous threat to peace, security and stability in Africa and STRONGLY CONDEMNS the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Africa. The Assembly RENEWS its total rejection and condemnation of terrorism in all its forms. In this regard, the Assembly WELCOMES all efforts being deployed on the continent to fight and defeat terrorist groups, including the convening in Addis Ababa, on 10 December 2017, of the joint meeting of the Nouakchott and Djibouti processes, which are both platforms for sharing information and intelligence in AU counter terrorism efforts. The Assembly TAKES NOTE WITH APPRECIATION of all support that the African Centre for Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT), the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services in Africa (CISSA) and the newly operationalized AU Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL) are providing to Member States and RECs/RMs, with a view to enhancing capacities in their fight against terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization in the continent. The Assembly COMMENDS the countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) for their continued fight against the Boko Haram terrorist group. The Assembly REQUESTS the Commission, working closely with partners, to continue to deploy necessary efforts towards mobilizing additional and adequate support for the MNJTF, based on the need expressed by the countries of the region, with a view to assisting them in filling its capability gaps. The Assembly FURTHER CALLS for the fulfilment of the pledges made by partners in support of the MNJTF. The Assembly CALLS ON all AU Member States and the international community at large to extend the necessary assistance to the countries of the region confronted with a dire humanitarian situation. The Assembly WELCOMES the progress made in operationalizing the G5 Sahel Joint Force to combat terrorism and organized crime in the Sahel, as well as the pledges made by different partners, including the adoption by the Security Council of Resolution 2391(2017). The Assembly CALLS UPON the international community as a whole to continue efforts to ensure sustainable and predictable funding for the G5 Sahel Joint Force, and LOOKS FORWARD to the outcomes of the Conference on the Sahel scheduled to be held in Brussels in February 2018, to mobilize additional resources to support efforts of the countries of
region.The Assembly COMMENDS the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord's Resistance Army (RCI-LRA) for the sustained gains made in the fight against the LRA, and WELCOMES the partnership between the AU and the UN in these efforts;
WELCOMES the ongoing progress in Cote d’Ivoire on the path of consolidation of peace and stability in the country, and ENCOURAGES the Ivorian authorities to continue with the reform of the security sector and the deepening of the national reconciliation;
EXPRESSES, ONCE AGAIN, its deep concern over the persistent political impasse and the security situation in Libya, which continues to prolong the suffering of the Libyan people, undermine the country's legal institutions and pose a challenge to security and stability in the neighbouring countries and the whole region. The Assembly REAFFIRMS the imperative to engage the Libyans in an Inclusive National Reconciliation process in order to create the conditions conducive for the Libyans to determine themselves the future of their country and STRESSES THE NEED for Africa to preserve the African unity and solidarity, as well as the regional harmony in the search for a lasting solution to the Libyan crisis. The Assembly FURTHER STRESSES THE IMPORTANCE of renewing and enhancing cooperation between the African Union, the neighbouring countries and the United Nations in the resolution of the Libyan crisis, with a view to reaching a broad consensus on the objectives to be attained and the initiatives to be taken. The Assembly REQUESTS the Commission to re-launch the efforts of the Contact Group on Libya, in close cooperation with the United Nations, in order to bring together the efforts of the international community on the question and in support of the efforts of the AU High Level Committee on Libya and the AU High Representative on Libya. The Assembly EXPRESSES, ONCE AGAIN, its appreciation to H.E. Mr. Denis SASSOU NGUESSO, President of the Republic of the Congo, Chairman of the AU High Level Committee on Libya, members of the Committee, the AU High Representative on Libya, H.E. Mr. Jakaya KIKWETE, as well as to the neighbouring countries for their efforts to establish a lasting peace in Libya;
EXPRESSES ITS SUPPORT for the re-launching of the negotiation process between Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) with a view to reaching a durable solution consistent with letter and spirit of the relevant OAU/AU decisions and UN resolutions. The Assembly REITERATES ITS CALL on the two Member States, to engage, without pre-conditions, in direct and serious talks facilitated by the AU and the UN for the holding of a free and fair referendum for the people of Western Sahara. While the AU stands ready to operationalize, if and when necessary, its Committee of the Heads of State and Government on Western Sahara, the Assembly CALLS ON the two parties to fully cooperate with the AU High Representative for Western Sahara, former President Joaquim A. Chissano of Mozambique, and the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Horst Kohler. The Assembly REQUESTS Morocco, as an AU Member State, to allow the AU Observer Mission to return to Laayoune, Western Sahara, as well as to allow an independent monitoring of human rights in the Territory. The Assembly REITERATES its repeated calls, in particular its declaration adopted at its 24th Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa, from 30 to 31 January 2015, on the Crans Montana Forum, a Switzerland-based organization, to desist from convening its meetings in the city of Dakhla, in Western Sahara and APPEALS to all Member States, African civil society organizations and other relevant actors to boycott the upcoming meeting scheduled to take place from 15 to 20 March 20183;
REITERATES ITS CALL to Member States and the RECs/RMs to prioritize support for and implementation of post-conflict reconstruction development activities in those areas emerging from conflict. The Assembly, while welcoming the holding by the Commission of the N’Djamena conference on stabilizing the Lake Chad Basin, CALLS ON the PSC to continue mobilizing support, including from the private sectors and international financial institutions, in support of countries emerging from conflict with a view to preventing relapse and advancing regeneration of resilience, as well as enhancing development;
RECALLS its previous decisions emphasizing the need to prioritize preventive diplomacy and mediation in approaching crisis and conflict situations and STRESSES THE NEED to enhance the AU’s prevention capabilities and tools, in the context of silencing the guns by 2020. In this respect, the Assembly REQUESTS the PSC, working closely with the Commission and the Panel of the Wise, and taking note of the annual programme of the Panel, to explore, within the context of the PSC Protocol and all other AU relevant instruments, innovative ways and means to enhance preventive approaches in efforts aimed at promoting peace, security and stability;
REAFFRIMS ITS COMMITMENT for greater participation and responsibility of women in peace efforts in Africa. In this regard, the Assembly TAKES NOTE of efforts being made towards finalizing a Continental Results Framework for monitoring and reporting on delivery by Member States on commitments and implementation progress on Women, Peace and Security. The Assembly WELCOMES the steps taken to operationalise "Pan African Network of Women Mediators" (FemWise-Africa), as a subsidiary body of the Panel of the Wise, in particular the convening of its General Assembly on from 13 to14 December 2017, in Constantine, Algeria. The Assembly ALSO REAFFIRMS ITS COMMITMENT to ensure protection of children in conflict situation in Africa and TAKES NOTE of the activities being undertaken to this effect and INVITES the Chairperson of the Commission to expedite the nomination of a Special Envoy for the protection of children in c
onflict situations;—
Reservation entered by the Kingdom of Morocco
UNDERLINES the need for Africa to continue building the ongoing efforts to revitalize the AU Peace Fund which is a strategic asset in the continent’s efforts to lead and control its peace and security agenda through availing predictable and sustainable funding. In this context, the Assembly ENCOURAGES all Member States to continue deploying efforts towards the revitalization of the AU Peace Fund and EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION to those Member States which have already made their contribution to the Fund;
COMMENDS the African Members of the UN Security Council (A3) for their coordinated collective efforts in defending and promoting common African positions and concerns within the UN Security Council, including the regular briefings to the PSC by the Coordinator of the A3 Group. In this context, the Assembly STRESSES THE IMPORTANCE for the A3 to continue to work as a coherent and coordinated group, speaking with one voice and to further strengthen their consultations with other members of the UNSC and the Africa Group in New York, and to continue keeping the PSC regularly informed of the results of these efforts. The Assembly COMMENDS the Republic of Zambia for the successful hosting of the 5th High Level Seminar, in Livingstone, from 4 to 5 December 2017 and ENDORSES its Conclusions as attached to the Report of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa.