Doc. Assembly/AU/5(XXXI)
The Assembly,
RECALLS decision Ext/EX.CL/Dec.2(XVIII) on the African Common Position for the Negotiation of a New Post-2020 Cooperation Agreement with the European Union (EU), adopted at the Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council held in Kigali, Rwanda, on 19 March, 2018, as a single framework of Continent-to-Continent cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the EU. The Assembly ALSO RECALLS the Declaration issued by the AU/EU Summit held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, in November 2017, emphasizing the AU and EU common interest in moving towards a paradigm shift to an even stronger, mutually beneficial partnership, and expressing support for regional unity and integration;
AFFIRMS the importance of speaking with one voice and acting as one to effectively promote Africa’s interests on the global stage and, in particular, ensure that Africa’s partnership with the EU fully supports and facilitates the process of regional and continental integration and development;
REAFFIRMS the need to move forward on an AU - EU post-Cotonou agreement that treats Africa as a united continent that speaks with one voice, while preserving the common interests, specificities, diversities and acquis of each African region and country, as well as their existing legal frameworks and financial and political instruments with Europe;
RECOGNIZES the need for further consultations in order to consolidate Africa’s Common Position on its Post-Cotonou relations with the EU. The Assembly, acknowledging the existence of ongoing processes to launch negotiations with the EU, CALLS for the postponement of the commencement of these negotiations until after the conclusion of the consultations referred to above to consolidate the African Common Position. To this end, the Assembly REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to communicate this call to the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), as well as to the EU and other stakeholders, and URGES AU Member States to support the postponement of the commencement of these negotiations;
DECIDES to hold, by September 2018, a meeting of the Executive Council enlarged to include Ministers in charge of ACP and/or Ministers in charge of the negotiations with the EU, on the Post- Cotonou 2020 agreement, in order to consolidate consensus on the African Common Position, negotiating strategy and agreement elements;
WELCOMES the appointment by the Chairperson of the Commission of Mr. Carlos Lopes, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission
for Africa, as his High Representative to support Member States in the negotiation of a new agreement with the Ell Post-2020.