Doc. Assembly/AU/17(XXXIII)
The Assembly,
TAKES NOTE WITH SATISFACTION of the Report of H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of the Republic of Mali, African Union Champion for the Promotion of Arts, Culture and Heritage on the Continent and COMMENDS him for his commitment and personal contribution, as well as the significant results achieved since his nomination by his peers in February 2019;
WELCOMES AND APPRECIATES the unprecedented initiative by the Champion to establish a Panel of Peers on Arts, Culture and Heritage, in charge of formulating strategic orientations, ensuring that the orientations are taken into consideration in the activities of the African Union, and at regional level, playing the role of leadership, advocacy and facilitation;
STRESSES the importance of Culture, Arts and Heritage in the achievement of the objectives and the Flagship Projects of African Union Agenda 2063;
WELCOMES the ratification by fourteen (14) Member States of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, adopted in January 2006, and URGES Member States that have not yet done so, to sign and / or ratify the Charter with a view to its entry into force as soon as possible;
TAKES NOTE of the inadequacy of the budget allocations of Member States to the Culture, Arts and Heritage sectors, and therefore CALLS ON Member States to allocate at least 1% of their national budget to the sectors by 2030;
URGES the Commission to take the necessary steps to strengthen the AU structures responsible for Culture, Arts and Heritage issues, within the framework of the ongoing AU Institutional Reform process, and to report thereon to the Executive Council in June/July 2021;
ENDORSES the proposal by H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Boubacar KEITA, President of the Republic of Mali, to declare 2021 AU Year of the Arts, Culture and Heritage, and REQUESTS the Commission, in collaboration with the Champion, to propose the related theme, for consideration and adoption by the Executive Council at its June/July 2020 Session;
REQUESTS the Champion/Leader nominated by his peers to promote the Arts, Culture and Heritage, to submit a mid-term report at the 34th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, scheduled for January/February 2021;
CONGRATULATES His Excellency Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of the Republic of Mali for his engagement as African Union Leader for the Arts, Culture and Heritage for an improved protection and promotion of African cultural and natural heritage;
DECLARES that the African rich and diverse heritage is an essential asset to profile the continent in the global arena and to build sustainable development, integration and peace in Africa;
CALLS UPON African Union Member States and the Private Sector to support the work of the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) for the profiling, protection and promotion of African natural and cultural heritage;
REQUESTS the African World Heritage Fund to propose a sustainable funding mechanism to protect African heritage of outstanding value and to organize a fundraising event in 2021 under the leadership of the African Union Leader for the Arts, Culture and Heritage, in collaboration with the African Union Commission.