Resolution on Rwanda




The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights meeting at its Sixteenth Ordinary Session held from 25 October to 3 November, 1994 in Banjul, The Gambia;


Considering the appointment at the 15th Ordinary Session of the Vice-Chairman of the African Commission as Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial executions,


Considering the report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur indicating that genocide and massive human rights and international humanitarian law violations have been committed in Rwanda,


Considering the preliminary report of the UN Experts’ Committee on Rwanda and its findings corroborating those of the UN Special Rapporteur,


Considering the UN Security Council’s decision to approve the establishment of an international tribunal on Rwanda,


Considering the pledge of the Government of Rwanda and the International Community as expressed in the Hague Declaration of 18th September, 1994 to try the authors of the atrocious crimes committed in Rwanda:


1. CONDEMNS the inhuman and heinous crimes committed in Rwanda during the recent conflict;


2. EXPRESSES its support for the establishment of an international tribunal by the UN to try those responsible for the crimes;


3. CALLS FOR the convening by the OAU over the next few months in collaboration with African and international NGOs, a meeting of African and international experts to study long-term solutions to the problem of impunity in Africa with special reference to the case of Rwanda, and to formulate appropriate recommendations;


4. CALLS ON the OAU to explore ways and means of encouraging African jurists to participate in the process of reconstruction of the judicial machinery in Rwanda;


5. URGES the Government of Rwanda to prevent the perpetration of acts of reprisals and vengeance by the rapid establishment of a new police force and a local administration respectful of human rights and composed of members of all ethnic groups of Rwanda.


6. EXHORTS the Government of Rwanda to ensure the rapid deployment of national and international human rights monitors as well as the strengthening of the interceding peace- keeping forces throughout Rwanda.


7. URGES international institutions and NGOs in general and African NGOs in particular to contribute to the effort of International solidarity and assist in the rapid reconstruction of Rwanda through the provision of technical and financial assistance especially by facilitating the resumption of the activities of local Human Rights NGOs in Rwanda.


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