The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights meeting at its Seventeenth Ordinary Session held from 13 to 22 March 1995, Lomé, Togo;
Guided by the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other international human rights instruments to which Nigeria is a party;
Reaffirming that all States Parties including Nigeria have the duty to fulfil the obligations they have undertaken under the various international human rights instruments, particularly the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights;
Recalling the resolution passed by the African Commission at its 16th Ordinary Session in Banjul, The Gambia, in November 1994, which condemned the gross violations of human rights in Nigeria by the military government,`
Deeply Concerned about the political, social, economic and general situation in Nigeria and the consequences that may result therefrom;
Condemns the continued gross and massive violations of human rights in Nigeria and particularly:
i. the arbitrary arrests and detention of human rights and pro-democracy activities, critics and opponents of military rule;
ii. severe restriction on the right to freedom of expression, including the banning of several newspapers and newsmagazines;
iii. circumscribing the independence of the judiciary and setting up military tribunals lacking independence and due process to try persons suspected of being opposed to the military regime;
iv. the abolition of habeas corpus with respect to political detainees;
v. restrictions on the right to leave the country;
vi. restrictions on the right to freedom of association;
vii. promulgation of decrees and laws ousting the application of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and preventing the Courts from intervening in cases of human rights violations.
CALLS UPON the military government in Nigeria to ensure respect for human rights and the rule of law, and in particular to release all political prisoners, reopen all closed media and respect freedom of the press, lift arbitrarily imposed travel restrictions, allow unfettered exercise of jurisdiction by the courts and remove all military tribunals from the judicial system.
URGES the military government in Nigeria to respect the rights of minorities and all religions and ensure full respect for the right of association.
AGAIN CALLS UPON the military government in Nigeria to take immediate steps to return Nigeria to democratic rule.