Resolution Establishing a Working group on Communications and Appointment of Members

Resolution Establishing a Working group on Communications and Appointment of Members



The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Commission) meeting at its 50th Ordinary Session held in Banjul, The Gambia, from 24th October to 5th November 2011;


Recognising its mandate to promote and protect human and peoples’ rights pursuant to the

African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter);


Noting its protective mandate which involves the consideration of Communications alleging human rights violations against Member States to the African Charter in terms of Articles 47 and 55 of the African Charter;


Considering Rule 23(1) of its Rules of Procedure which requires “The Commission to create subsidiary mechanisms such as special rapporteurs, committees and working groups;”


Further Considering Rule 97(2) of its Rules of Procedure which states that “The African Commission may establish one or more working groups to consider questions of seizure, admissibility and the merits of any communication(s) and to make recommendations to the Commission;”


1. Decides to establish a Working Group on Communications to meet twice a year during the intersession, and may also meet prior to the Sessions of the African Commission;


2. Appoints Commissioner Kayitesi Zainabo Sylvie as Chairperson of the Working Group for a period of two years, effective from 5 November 2011;

3. Further appoints Commissioner Reine Alapini-Gansou, and Commissioner Pacifique Manirakiza as Members of the Working Group;

4. Decides that paragraph three (3) notwithstanding, other Commissioners can participate in the activity of the Working Group subject to their availability;

5. Appoints the Secretary to the African Commission as a Member of the Working Group;


6. Further appoints Dr. Feyi Ogunade, Ms. Irene Desiree Mbengue Eleke and Mrs. Anita Bagona as the focal team of the Working Group at the level of its Secretariat;


7. Requires all Legal Officers at its Secretariat to provide assistance to the Working Group.


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