Resolution on the human rights situation and humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing armed conflict in the Republic of The Sudan

Resolution on the human rights situation and humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing armed conflict in the Republic of The Sudan

Resolution on the human rights situation and humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing armed conflict in the Republic of The Sudan - ACHPR/Res.578 (LXXVII) 2023

Dec 29, 2023


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 77th Ordinary Session held from 20 October to 9 November 2023 in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania;

Recalling its mandate of promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights in Africa pursuant to Article 45 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter);

Deeply concerned by the continued fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their allied militias and the devastating human rights and humanitarian impact of the conflict. Thousands of people have been killed and injured, and over seven (7) million people have been forced to flee their homes.

Emphasizing the Resolution ACHPR/Res.563 (LXXVI) 2023, adopted on 4 August 2023, which inter alia called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire by the warring parties and for talks to bring a definitive end to the current armed conflict, and also condemned the atrocities being committed in Darfur, including killings and rape, and the destruction of properties and livelihoods targeting in particular people on the basis of their ethnicity.

Welcoming the efforts of the international community, to facilitate mediation between the warring parties to bring them to sign a ceasefire agreement and resolve the crisis;

Further welcoming the significant contribution of civil society in drawing attention of the international community to the unfolding crisis in Sudan, documenting the events, and providing support to the population;

Bearing in mind Resolution S-54/2 of 11 October 2023 adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council responding to the human rights and humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing armed conflict in the Sudan, which establishes an independent Fact-Finding mission for the Sudan;

The Commission:

1.Calls on the belligerent parties to :
a.end all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure and ensure unhindered and immediate humanitarian access.
b.fulfill their obligations under the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, the Constitutive Act of the African Union and other relevant African and international human rights instruments; and
c.fully cooperate with the Fact-Finding Mission established by the UN Human Rights Council.
2.Welcomes the decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish a fact-finding mission on Sudan and calls on the parties to the conflict to cooperate with it.
3.Calls on countries neighboring Sudan to:
a.keep their borders open and remove movement restrictions and ensure those fleeing the conflict are not rejected at the borders, are protected against refoulement, and have prompt access to asylum procedures.
b.facilitate the work of the Fact-Finding Mission established by the UN Human Rights Council
4.Urges the international community to continue its support to the population of Sudan;
5.Continues to monitor developments and the related human rights situation in Sudan.

Done in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, 9 November 2023.


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