Decision on AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) and the Implementation of the Abuja and Maputo Declarations on Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases in Africa

Doc. Assembly/AU/11 (III) Add. 1

The Assembly:

1. TAKES NOTE of the presentation on the International Centre for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa (CIEFFA);

2. RECALLS the Ouagadougou Declaration and Plan of Action (1993) as well as the Harare Programme of Action for the Decade for Education in Africa (1997-2006) which recommend that quality and equity be taken into account in the education of girls in national development plans;

3. FURTHER RECALLS the Kampala Declaration (1996) and the Platform of Action for strengthening the power of women and girls through education;

4. WELCOMES the establishment and operationalization of CIEFFA under the aegis of UNESCO, as an institution for the promotion of Education of girls and women in Africa;

5. RECOGNIZES the need for the African Union to endow itself with structures such as CIEFFA to attain the objectives and keep with the principles enshrined in the Constitutive Act of the African Union, particularly its Articles 3(k) and 4(1);

6. APPROVES the principle of making CIEFFA an institution for the entire Continent under the aegis of the African Union;

7. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission, in close collaboration with the Director General of UNESCO and other partners interested in the mission and objectives of CIEFFA, to take all the necessary measures to carry out the requisite studies on the operational modalities of the future CIEFFA under the aegis of the AU; these institutional and technical studies should also include proposals for the revision and adoption of the Statutes of the Centre as well as details on its legal status;

8. LASTLY, REQUESTS the Chairperson to submit a report of the said studies to its next session, for a final decision to be taken.

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