Decision on Avian Flu Doc. assembly/AU/6 (VIII) Add.2


The Assembly:

  1. ACKNOWLEDGES the efforts by Member States and the commitment made by the development partners for as well a the financial and material contributions provided to prevent the spread of Avian Influenzas Virus (H5N1) in affected African countries;

  2. WELCOMES the Report of the 4th International Conference on Avian Influenza held in Bamako, Mali in December 2006 and the preparation of Integrated National Plans for the control of Avian Influenza in the continent;

  3. URGES Member States to allocate additional financial resources to the implementation of their Integrated National Action Plans;

  4. APPEALS to the Development Partners to support Member States in the implementation of the African Regional Strategy on the control and eradication of Avian Flu;

  5. REQUESTS Member States to strengthen their veterinary and public health delivery systems through the setting-up of efficient epidem io­surveillance networks that meet standards defined by relevant International Organization (0IE/WH0);

  6. FURHTER REQUESTS the Commission, in collaboration with development partners, to coordinate resources mobilization efforts to fund Avian Influenza control measures at regional level and in countries experiencing financial difficulties.

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