The Assembly:
TAKES NOTE of the election by the Executive Council of the Commissioners of the AU Commission;
APPOINTS the following persons as Commissioner of the African Union;
a) | Mr. Ramtane LAMAMRA (Algeria) | Peace and Security Portfolio |
b) | Mrs. Julia Dolly JOINER (The - | Political Affairs |
| Gambia | Portfolio |
c) | Mrs. Elham Mahmood Ahmed - | Infrastructure and |
| IBRAHIM (Egypt) | Energy Portfolio |
d) | Mrs. Bience Philomina GAWANAS - | Social Affairs |
| (Namibia) | Portfolio |
e) | Mr. Jean Pierre Onvehoun EZIN - | Human Resources, |
| (Benin) | Science and Technology Portfolio |
f) | Mrs. Elizabeth TANKEU (Cameroon) - | Trade and Industry Portfolio |
g) | Mr. M. Maxwell MKWEZALAMBA - | Economic Affairs |
| (Malawi) | portfolio |
CONGRATULATES the newly elected Commissioners;
DECIDES that the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture shall be elected from among female candidates from the Eastern Region;
AUTHORIZES the Executive Council to elect and appoint a Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture during its forthcoming Extraordinary Session and report to the 11th Ordinary Session of the Assembly;
DECIDES that the elected Commissioners who did not take the Oath of Office during the current session of the Assembly should do so before the Chairperson of the Commission.