Doc. EX.CL/463 (XIV)
The Assembly:
TAKES NOTE of the Joint Progress Report on the Implementation of the Africa- European Union (EU) Joint Strategy/First Action Plan adopted by the eleventh Africa-EU Ministerial Troika, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 21 November 2008;
WELCOMES efforts to strengthen the dialogue between the two sides including the College-to-College meeting of the African Union (AU) Commission and the European Commission, held in Brussels, Belgium, on 1 October 2008;
RECALLS the responsibilities entrusted to the African Troika extended to include the lead agencies in the conduct of the partnership with the EU.
COMMENDS the Joint Experts Groups for the considerable work done so far in the implementation;
CALLS UPON all parties to expedite efforts with a view to attaining tangible results within the timeframe of the First Action Plan (2008-2010);
REQUESTS both Africa and the European Union to ensure that the necessary funds are allocated in order to foster effective implementation of the Joint Strategy/First Action Plan;
URGES Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other stakeholders to take active part in the implementation of the First Action Plan under the coordination of the AU Commission;
REQUESTS the Commission to ensure the effective involvement of the RECs and other stakeholders in the implementation and monitoring processes;
FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to engage with the EU to organise a workshop on the modalities for accessing its funds;
REQUESTS the Commission to submit a special report to each Session of the Executive Council on the progress made in the implementation of the partnership with the European Union.