CM/Dec.357 (LXVI)
SOMALIA - (DOC. CM/2004 (LXVI)) - D –
REITERATES ITS UNEQUIVOCAL SUPPORT to the Sodere Agreement and the efforts being deployed by the Members of the National Salvation Council (NSC) to implement the Agreement;
WELCOMES and SUPPORTS the signing in Cairo on 28 of May 1997 of the Cairo Joint Agreement between the Somali leaders, H.E. Hussein Mohamed Aideed and H.E. Ali Mahdi Mohamed as a positive development that will facilitate the convening of a national reconciliation conference on Somalia;
CALLS UPON all Somali factions to join the peace process so as to bring about an all inclusive, all embracing political settlement of the Conflict in the country;
REAFFIRMS the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Somalia as one and indivisible State;
WELCOMES the financial, political and diplomatic support rendered by the OAU to implement the Sodere Agreement and REQUESTS the OAU to continue to provide all the necessary assistance in the search for a negotiated, sustainable and permanent settlement of the conflict in Somalia;
CALLS UPON the UN and the other Inter-governmental Organizations, including the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, as well as the International Community at large, to closely coordinate their efforts with the OAU and IGAD, in the search for a solution to the conflict in Somalia;
CALLS UPON the Secretary-General of the UN to establish a Trust Fund for Somalia in accordance with the proposal that he has already submitted to the UN Security Council in his last report on Somalia;
APPEALS to the International Community to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance; as well as provide aid for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Somalia, especially in areas where peace prevails and where local administrations have been established, serving as a means to underpin the efforts of the Somali people themselves to bring the conflict to an end.