Decision on the Question of Palestine

CM/Dec.528 (LXXII) Rev.1



  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Secretary-General on the Question of Palestine;

  2. RECALLS UN Resolutions on Jerusalem, in particular General Assembly Resolutions 181, 303 and 54/27 and Security Council Resolutions 242, 252, 465, 476 and 478 and CALLS for the respect of these resolutions;

  3. REAFFIRMS the right of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization to exercise their inalienable national rights, including their right to return to their homes, recover their property, self-determination and the establishment of an independent state on their national soil, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the principles of international law and other pertinent resolutions of the UN;

  4. RECOGNIZES the binding character of UN Security Council Resolution 237 which CALLS for the return of Palestinians displaced in 1967; as well as other relevant instruments, in particular UNGA Resolution 194 (1948) which provides for the Return of Palestinian refugees to their Homes and Property; and CALLS UPON Israel to respect and carry out its obligations. It FURTHER CALLS for the establishment of a UN sponsored Commission to ensure the fulfillment of the process of return;

  5. COMMENDS the progress made in the Israel-Palestine Peace process, including the signing on 4 September, 1999, of the Sharm-El-Sheikh Memorandum between Israel and the PLO;

  6. EXPRESSES CONCERN that the deadline of 13 February, 2000, set in the Sharm-El- Sheikh Memorandum for the conclusion of a framework agreement lapsed without the realization of the goal and principles to withdraw Israeli troops from occupied Palestinian land, the establishment of the Northern safe passage route, the release of all political prisoners and the implementation of economic commitments;

  7. HAILS the PLO leadership for the patience and wisdom demonstrated and its continued commitment to the achievement of a comprehensive peace;

  8. CALLS UPON the present Israeli leadership which has so far taken positive steps to consolidate the peace process, to recommit itself in earnest to the path of dialogue and negotiation, as well as to put an end to the policy of expanding and establishing new Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian territory in violation of international law and

international humanitarian law as well as the letter and spirit of Agreements reached;

  1. AFFIRMS the need to maintain and respect the deadline of September 13th 2000, to reach a Permanent Status Agreement and SUPPORTS the realization of the establishment of the independent sovereign State of Palestine on Palestinian soil with East Jerusalem as its Capital;

  2. CALLS UPON Israel to implement previously negotiated Agreements and URGES the Parties to intensify their peace efforts aimed at seeking a just, peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict as well as realizing the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people thereby ensuring comprehensive and lasting peace, security and stability in the region.

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