Decision on the Humanitarian Situation in Africa


Doc. EX.CL/734(XXI)

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

2. ENDORSES all the recommendations made on the report by the PRC which had already been adopted by Council;

3. URGES Member States in particular that have not yet done so , to sign and ratify the AU Convention on the protection and assistance to internally displaced persons in Africa to enable this important instrument to enter into force before the end of 2012;

4. EXPRESSES its high appreciation and gratitude for the generous assistance provided by Member States to returnees and IDPs;

5. REQUESTS the Commission to actively engage with Member States with a view to updating information on the statistics regarding the humanitarian situation.

6. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to ensure gradual percentage increase of AU Administrative Budget from 2% to 4% in line with the pertinent decision in this respect.

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