Decision on Member States Contributions


Doc. EX.CL/802(XXIV)vi

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Sub-Committee on African Union Member States’ Contributions;

2. COMMENDS the countries that are up-to-date in their contributions;

3. INVITES Member States to pay their contributions on time and ENCOURAGES other Member States that are in arrears to clear the amounts owed;

4. COMMENDS the Republic of Seychelles with special commendations for honouring its commitments vis-a-vis the African Union;

5. EXPRESSES SERIOUS CONCERN on the obstructions imposed by external powers on the transfer of the Republic of Sudan’s contributions to the Union and REQUESTS the Commission to work with the Republic of The Sudan to find ways and means to make the payment;

6. RECOMMENDS that sanctions be imposed against the following Member States for non-payment of contributions:

i) Central African Republic;

ii) Republic of Guinea Bissau;

7. RECALLS the AU regulations on payment of Contributions and REITERATES the commitment of all AU Member States to implement it and DECIDES that on an exceptional basis, given the efforts made by the People and State of Madagascar to join again the family of the African Union after a long standing crisis, to suspend temporarily the sanctions against Madagascar;

8. URGES Madagascar to clear its contribution arrears at least 30 days before the commencement of the next session of the Executive Council in July 2014;

9. REQUESTS the Federal Republic of Somalia to start paying its contribution normally as from January 2014 by arranging with the Commission to establish a convenient schedule for payment of its arrears;

10. REQUESTS the Commission to impose disciplinary sanctions against Departments that fail to submit their reports to partners on time, so as to avoid delays in the release of partner funds.

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