Decision on the Report of African Union Commission for International Law

Doc. EX.CL/926(XXVII)

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Progress Report of African Union Commission for International Law (AUCIL)and the recommendations contained therein, as well as the observations and comments of Member States;

2. COMMENDS AUCIL for studies so far undertaken and ENCOURAGES the AUCIL to carry out legal studies on international law on matters of interest to the African Union and its Member States;

3. STRESSES the need for increased coordination between AUCIL, the Commission and other AU Organs as well as the STC on Justice and Legal Affairs to develop a common approach to international law within the Union;

4. CALLS ON Member States to attend the 4th Edition of the Forum of AUCIL and African Union Law to be held in October 2015 under the theme “The Challenges of Ratification and Implementation of Treaties in Africa”;

5. ENCOURAGES Member States and other AU Organs to support AUCIL in its studies by providing relevant and timely information to bolster its activities in development and codification of International law with specific focus on African Union Law;

6. DIRECTS that all administrative, structural and financial matters raised in the report be submitted to the AU competent Organs through the established channels and procedures and STRESSES the need to equip the AUCIL with requisite human and financial resources to enable it carry out its mandate;

7. REQUESTS the African Group in New York to mobilize UN Member States to support the requests regarding the programme budget for the biennium 2016- 2017 for the continued development of UN Programme of Assistance in favour of the UN Regional Course in International Law for Africa, the Audio-Visual Library of International Law and other programmes, in particular, those approved by the various UN Resolutions;

8. REQUESTS the Commission to ensure that the publications are in all the AU working languages.

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