Jurisdiction |
Communiqué du CPS en sa 917ème réunion tenue le 9 avril 2020, sur la situation humanitaire dans les pays affectés par l'invasion des criquets pèlerins en Afrique
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
22 April 2020 |
Communique of the 920th meeting of the PSC held on 21 April 2020 on the consideration of the renewal of the mandate of the G5 Sahel Joint Force and the draft Strategic Concept Note on planning for the deployment of 3000 strong force to counter terrorism and violent extremism in the Sahel region
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
21 April 2020 |
Communiqué de la 917ème réunion du CPS tenue, en ligne, le 9 avril 2020, sur la situation au Soudan du Sud
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
17 April 2020 |
Communiqué of the 918th meeting of the PSC held on 14 April 2020, on the impact of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on peace and security in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
14 April 2020 |
Communiqué of the 917th Meeting of the PSC held online on 9 April 2020, on the situation in South Sudan.
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
9 April 2020 |
Communique on the 917th PSC Meeting held on 9 April 2020 on the humanitarian situation in the countries affected by desert locusts invasion in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
9 April 2020 |
Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
9 March 2020 |
Communiqué de la 914ème réunion du CPS tenue le 5 mars 2020, sur les rapports du Mécanisme africain d'évaluation par les pairs (MAEP), ainsi que sur les mesures prises pour faire du MAEP un outil 'alerte rapide pour la prévention des conflits;
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 March 2020 |
Communiqué de la 915ème réunion du CPS sur la situation de l’épidémie du nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.(CMXV)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 March 2020 |
Communiqué of the 914th meeting of the PSC, 5 March 2020, on the reports by the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as well as the steps taken to position the APRM as an Early Warning Tool for Conflict Prevention
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 March 2020 |
Communique of the 915th PSC meeting on the situation in the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.(CMXV)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 March 2020 |
Communiqué de la 913ème réunion du CPS sur la situation au Darfour et la transition de l'Opération hybride de l’Union africaine et des Nations unies au Darfour (MINUAD)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
3 March 2020 |
Communique of the 913th PSC meeting on the situation in Darfur and the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) transition
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
3 March 2020 |
Communiqué de la 912ème réunion du CPS sur le rapport de la mission de terrain du CPS en République du Soudan du Sud, effectuée du 18 au 20 février 2020 Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.(CMXII)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
27 February 2020 |
Communique of the 912th PSC meeting on the Report of the PSC Field mission to the Republic of South Sudan undertaken from 18 to 20 February 2020 Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.(CMXII)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
27 February 2020 |
Report of the PSC Field mission to the Republic of South Sudan undertaken from 18 to 20 February 2020
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
27 February 2020 |
Communiqué de la 911ème réunion du CPS, tenue le 24 février 2020, sur les prochaines élections en Somalie et l'avenir de la Mission de l'Union africaine en Somalie (AMISOM)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
24 February 2020 |
Communique of the 911th meeting of the PSC, held on 24 February, 2020, on the upcoming elections in Somalia and the future of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
24 February 2020 |
Press Release: AU Peace and Security Council Concludes a Three-Day Field Mission to the Republic of South Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Statement |
20 February 2020 |
Communique de presse sur Ebola et le Coronavirus - CPS
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
18 February 2020 |
Press Statement on Ebola and Coronavirus outbreak
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Statement |
18 February 2020 |
La 906ème réunion du Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'UA sur la situation au Soudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
30 January 2020 |
The 906th meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council on the situation in Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
30 January 2020 |
905th PSC meeting on the situation in South Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
27 January 2020 |
Communiqué de Presse de la 905ème réunion du CPS tenue le 27 janvier 2020, sur la situation en République de Guinée-Bissau
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Statement |
27 January 2020 |
Press Statement of the 905th meeting of the PSC, held on 27 January 2020, on the situation in the Republic of Guinea Bissau
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Statement |
27 January 2020 |
La 904ème réunion du Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'UA sur le rôle et les activités du CICR en Afrique
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
16 January 2020 |
The 904th meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council on role and activities of ICRC in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
16 January 2020 |
AU’s conflict prevention and early warning efforts and the challenges encountered, as well as on the horizon scanning briefing on the state of peace and security in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
13 December 2019 |
Communique of the 901st PSC meeting on the theme Strengthening Governance Systems in the Management of Natural Resources Between and Among Communities in Africa: Briefing on the “Bamako Declaration on Access to Natural Resources and Conflicts between Communities” Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.2.(CMI)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
13 December 2019 |
Communique: The 901st meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the Report of the Chairperson of the AU Commission on the Situation in Somalia, including progress on the implementation of the Mandate of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
13 December 2019 |
Communique of the 899th meeting of the PSC held at ministerial level, on 5 December 2019, in Luanda, Angola, on the theme: “National Reconciliation, Restoration of Peace, Security and Rebuilding of Cohesion in Africa”
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 December 2019 |
Renewal of the mandate of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) against the Boko Haram terrorist group
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
28 November 2019 |
Communique of the 894th meeting ofthe African Union Peace and Security Council, on the situation in the Republic of South Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
14 November 2019 |
Communique of the 892th PSC meeting on Guinea Bissau
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
6 November 2019 |
Situation in Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
10 October 2019 |
Communique of the 883rd meeting of the AU PSC at the Ministerial Level, held on 27 September 2019, on the Situation in Libya
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
27 September 2019 |
Communique of Peace and Security Council during its 879th meeting held on 11 September 2019 on its field mission report to The Gambia which took place from 28 to 31 July 2019 Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.2 (DCCCLXXIX)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
11 September 2019 |
Communiqué of the 875th meeting of the PSC, held on 6 September 2019, on the situation in the Republic of Sudan
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
6 September 2019 |
Communiqué of the 873rd meeting of the PSC held on 5 September 2019 on the maritime boundary dispute between the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Kenya
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
5 September 2019 |
Briefing by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the Construction of the SADC Standby Force Regional Logistics Depot (RLD)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
22 August 2019 |
Communique of the 870th meeting of the PSC on the Harmonization and Coordination of Decision-making processes/Division of labour between the PSC and the Policy Organs of the Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) for Conflict prevention, management and Resolution and the Promotion of Peace, Security and Stability in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
20 August 2019 |
Communique of the 868th meeting of the PSC on the Report on the Resource Mobilization Process in Support of the AU Efforts for the Implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR and its Annex, held on 19 August 2019
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
19 August 2019 |
Communiqué of the 869th meeting of the PSC, held on 19 August 2019, on Elections in Africa for the period January to December 2019
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
19 August 2019 |
Communiqué de la 868e réunion du CPS portant sur l'état de la présence militaire étrangère en Afrique, tenue le 14 août 2019
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
14 August 2019 |
Communiqué of the 866th meeting of the PSC on its consultation with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), held on 8 August 2019
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
8 August 2019 |
Communique of the 865th meeting of the PSC on Somalia/AMISOM and the Progress Report of the Chairperson of the AU Commission on the Situation in Somalia, held on 7 August 2019
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
7 August 2019 |
Communiqué of the 862nd meeting of the PSC, held on 23 July 2019, on the outbreak of Ebola in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
23 July 2019 |
Communique of the AU PSC on its 863rd meeting held on 25 July 2019 on the situation in Mali and the Sahel
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
23 July 2019 |
Communique of the 861st meeting of the PSC held on 22 July 2019, on the adoption of the Manual on the Working Methods of the AU PSC and the Conclusions of the Retreat on Strengthening the Working Methods of the PSC in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Peace Consolidation in Africa
African Regional Bodies
· African Union (AU)
Communique |
22 July 2019 |