
292 documents
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Kapiye v Lapken & Anor. (Civil Appeal 102 of 2017) [2018] MWHC 1101 (23 July 2018)  Malawi 23 July 2018
Gausi v A.G. (Civil Cause 123 of 2015) [2018] MWHC 970 (20 July 2018)  Malawi 20 July 2018
Malisita & Ors. v Group Villiage Headman Sakhama (Civil Cause 66 of 2018) [2018] MWHC 752 (4 July 2018)  Malawi 4 July 2018
Fish Orange Mining Consortium (Pty) Ltd v !Goaseb and Others (582 of 2010) [2018] NAHCMD 154 (8 June 2018)  Namibia 8 June 2018
Trustees, Blantyre Synod v Banda (Land Cause 64 of 2017) [2018] MWHC 720 (21 May 2018)  Malawi 21 May 2018
Namibian Marine Phosphate (Proprietary) Limited v Minister of Environment and Tourism and Others (CA 119 of 2016) [2018] NAHCMD 122 (11 May 2018)  Namibia 11 May 2018
Masundvwini Royal Kraal v Evangelical Church (by Christ Ambassadors) And Another (19 of 2017) [2018] SZSC 10 (3 May 2018)  Eswatini 3 May 2018
Saidi and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2018] ZACC 9 (24 April 2018)  South Africa 24 April 2018
Mukakama & Ors. v Engil & Ors. (Civil Cause 268 of 2015) [2018] MWHC 34 (23 April 2018)  Malawi 23 April 2018
Affenyi and Others Vrs Abosso Goldfields Ltd [2018] GHASC 15 (8 March 2018)  Ghana 8 March 2018
Uganda v Ijjo (Criminal Sessions Case No. 0076 of 2017) [2018] UGHCCRD 52 (27 February 2018)  Uganda 27 February 2018
United Quarries Limited v Chongwe District Council (HP 1001 of 2007) [2018] ZMHC 322 (23 February 2018)  Zambia 23 February 2018
Kapanda v Misanjo (Civil Appeal 90 of 2015) [2018] MWHCCiv 10 (30 January 2018)  Malawi 30 January 2018
McLaren NO and Others v Municipal Council of Windhoek and Others (SA 33 of 2016) [2018] NASC 1 (17 January 2018)  Namibia 17 January 2018
Uazengisa and Another v Mukuambi and Others (APPEAL 298 of 2015) [2017] NAHCMD 353 (6 December 2017)  Namibia 6 December 2017
Katenge Resources Ltd v Avarmma Mining Company Ltd and Ors (CAZ 8 78 of 2017) [2017] ZMCA 144 (28 November 2017)  Zambia 28 November 2017
Mbughi v Ghambi (Civil Appeal 34 of 2014) [2017] MWHC 143 (24 October 2017)  Malawi 24 October 2017
Bukomo Mining Limited v Luiri Gold Mines Limited and Others (2010/HP/448) [2017] ZMHC 506 (28 September 2017)  Zambia 28 September 2017
Mkandawire & Anor. v Tropha Estate Limited & Anor. (Civil Cause 142 of 2017) [2017] MWHC 819 (11 September 2017)  Malawi 11 September 2017
Mabila and Others v Minister of Housing and Urban Development and Others (1366 of 2016) [2017] SZHC 174 (10 August 2017)  Eswatini 10 August 2017
Wembondinga v S (27 of 2017) [2017] NAHCMD 202 (28 July 2017)  Namibia 28 July 2017
Kasambala & Ors. v Ngozo (Civil Cause 1427 of 2015) [2017] MWHC 835 (1 July 2017)  Malawi 1 July 2017
Motsa v Motsa and Another (96 of 2008) [2017] SZHC 133 (27 June 2017)  Eswatini 27 June 2017
Abivams Ltd Vrs Platun Gas Oil Ghana Ltd [2017] GHASC 29 (31 May 2017)  Ghana 31 May 2017
Mulipa v Mr and Mrs Bibiyani and Other Unknown (Land Cause 105 of 2016) [2017] MWHC 119 (22 May 2017)  Malawi 22 May 2017
S v Lilongwe Water Board & Ors.; Ex Parte: Malawi Law Society (Judicial Review 16 of 2017) [2017] MWHC 135 (21 April 2017)  Malawi 21 April 2017
Malinga v Malinga [2017] SZHC 469 (18 April 2017)  Eswatini 18 April 2017
Mwalilino v S (Criminal Appeal 3 of 2015) [2017] MWHC 71 (3 April 2017)  Malawi 3 April 2017
Kashela v Katima Mulilo Town Council and Others (1157 of 2012) [2017] NAHCMD 49 (1 March 2017)  Namibia 1 March 2017
Mberenga v Destone Germany aka Group Village Headman Mberenga & Ors. (Land Cause 199 of 2016) [2016] MWHC 655 (12 December 2016)  Malawi 12 December 2016
Lawyers for Human Rights v Minister in the Presidency and Others [2016] ZACC 45 (1 December 2016)  South Africa 1 December 2016
Awabego Vrs Akubayela and Another [2016] GHASC 23 (23 November 2016)  Ghana 23 November 2016
Minister of Natural Resources & Environmental Affairs v Saner (MSCA Civil Appeal No. 70 of 2016) [2016] MWSC 153 (27 October 2016)  Malawi 27 October 2016
Bahinduka v Rwemulikya and Anor (Election Petition No. 3 of 2006) [2016] UGHCEP 26 (15 August 2016)  Uganda 15 August 2016
X-tra Gold Mining Ltd Vrs Attorney General [2016] GHASC 57 (28 July 2016)  Ghana 28 July 2016
Case Summary: S v Mpofu & Another (CCZ 5/2016) [2016] ZWCC 103 (15 June 2016)  Zimbabwe 15 June 2016
S v Mpofu & Another (CCZ 5/2016) [2016] ZWCC 103 (15 June 2016)  Zimbabwe 15 June 2016
Ernest v Farmers World Limited (None) [2016] MWHC 554 (13 June 2016)  Malawi 13 June 2016
Wildlife Ranching Namibia v Minister of Environment and Tourism (APPEAL 86 of 2016) [2016] NAHCMD 110 (1 April 2016)  Namibia 1 April 2016
Minister of Home Affairs v Rahim and Others [2016] ZACC 3 (18 February 2016)  South Africa 18 February 2016
Kabaghe & Ors. v Registered Trustees of the Seventh Day Adventist Church & Anor. (None) [2016] MWHC 460 (8 February 2016)  Malawi 8 February 2016
Rahim v Minister of Home Affairs (965/2013) [2015] ZASCA 92 (29 May 2015)  South Africa 29 May 2015
Minister of Home Affairs and Others v Somali Association of South Africa Eastern Cape (SASA EC) and Another (831/2013) [2015] ZASCA 35 (25 March 2015)  South Africa 25 March 2015
Municipal Council of Windhoek v Claudia Properties CC and Another (APPEAL 117 of 2010) [2014] NAHCMD 332 (14 November 2014)  Namibia 14 November 2014
Kangwa & Others v Zambia Environmental Management Agency & Others (Appeal 40 of 2012) [2014] ZMSC 143 (30 October 2014)  Zambia 30 October 2014
Malinga v Myeni and Others (786 of 2014) [2014] SZHC 209 (24 October 2014)  Eswatini 24 October 2014
Kirk v Zikalala and Others (405 of 2009) [2014] SZHC 236 (25 September 2014)  Eswatini 25 September 2014
Uris Safari Lodge (Pty) Limited v Weatherly Mining Namibia Limited and Others (APPEAL 284 of 2013) [2014] NAHCMD 266 (11 September 2014)  Namibia 11 September 2014
Black Range Mining (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Mines And Energy N.O and Others (SA 9 of 2011) [2014] NASC 4 (26 March 2014)  Namibia 26 March 2014
Swaziland Government v Ngomane (25 of 2013) [2013] SZSC 73 (29 November 2013)  Eswatini 29 November 2013