

62 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
S v Mushwena and Others (SA 4 of 2004) [2004] NASC 2 (21 July 2004)  Namibia 2004-07-21
Saidi and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2018] ZACC 9 (24 April 2018)  South Africa 2018-04-24
Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (5441/20) [2023] ZAWCHC 18 (13 February 2023)  South Africa · Western Cape 2023-02-13
Semere Tewelde vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 227 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 1087 (27 April 2022)  Tanzania 2022-04-27
Somali Association of South Africa and Others v Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism and Others (48/2014) [2014] ZASCA 143 (26 September 2014)  South Africa 2014-09-26
Somali Association of South Africa and Others v Refugee Appeal Board and Others (585/2020) [2021] ZASCA 124 (23 September 2021)  South Africa 2021-09-23
Tsebe and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (27682/10) [2011] ZAGPJHC 255 (22 September 2011)  South Africa · Gauteng 2011-09-22
Uganda v Ijjo (Criminal Sessions Case No. 0076 of 2017) [2018] UGHCCRD 52 (27 February 2018)  Uganda 2018-02-27
Union of Refugee Women and Others v Director, Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and Others [2006] ZACC 23 (12 December 2006)  South Africa 2006-12-12
V A and Others v Minister of Home Affairs (19551/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 218 (11 April 2023)  South Africa · Gauteng 2023-04-11
Van Den Dries v International University of Management (602 of 2008) [2014] NAHCMD 159 (21 May 2014)  Namibia 2014-05-21
Wembondinga v S (27 of 2017) [2017] NAHCMD 202 (28 July 2017)  Namibia 2017-07-28