Revised Statute of the Pan-African University (PAU)

African Union

Revised Statute of the Pan-African University (PAU)

  • Published
  • Commenced on 31 January 2016
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 January 2016.]
We, the Member States of the African Union:RECALLING the Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.290 (XV) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union during its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in July 2010 in Kampala, Uganda creating the Pan African University.AWARE of the central role that higher education and scientific and technological research play as a cornerstone of social integration, economic development and competitiveness.ACKNOWLEDGING that the establishment of the Pan African University is a first step towards the creation of high quality continental institutions that promote quality training, research and innovation within Africa, ensure a steady nurturing of new ideas and also a continuous injection of highly skilled human resources to meet the developmental needs of the continent.INSPIRED by the Plan of Action for the Second Decade of Education for Africa 2006-2015, and the Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology 2006-2011.ALSO INSPIRED by the African Union’s Agenda 2063 - The Africa We Want, the Science Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024) and the roles articulated therein for higher education, science, technology and innovation as drivers of the continent’s rapid development.RECOGNIZING that, to meet its objectives, the Pan African University must achieve financial sustainability by mobilizing adequate resources from the African Union Commission, African Union Member States and other potential partners.AWARE that sound financial management is key to the Pan African University assuring allocation and timely disbursement of funds.

Article 1 – Definitions

In this Statute:"Academic staff" means staff of PAU engaged in teaching, lecturing and research;"African Diaspora" consists of people of African origin living outside the continent irrespective of their citizenship and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union defined by the Executive Council in Decision EX. CL/Dec. 221 (VII):"Assembly" means the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union;"AU" or "Union" means the African Union established by the Constitutive Act of the African Union;"Board" means the Board of a PAU Institute;"Centre" means a Centre of the PAU;"Commission" means the African Union Commission;"Executive Council" means The Executive Council of the African Union;"Graduate Study" or "Graduate Studies" means any studies undertaken after the first university degree including all post-graduate studies;"Host Country" means a State that has formally entered into an agreement with the African Union to host the Rectorate, an Institute, a Centre or other facilities and installations of the PAU within its geographical territory;"Host University" means a university or consortium of universities located within the geographical territory of a Host Country formally offered by the Host Country to serve as the seat of a PAU Institute, Centre, facility or installation;"Institute" or "PAU Institute" means an Institute of the PAU;"Institution Affiliated to the PAU" means an academic institution or a unit thereof not forming part of the PAU network of institutes and Centres but which the PAU Council nevertheless designates as an institution affiliated to the PAU on the basis of academic excellence;"Key Partner" means a development partner supporting the PAU in a manner that is not limited to any one of the thematic Institutes or areas of the PAU. The description of a key partner may be qualified based on the nature of the support it provides to the PAU (e.g., Key Funding Partner or Key Technical Partner);"PAU" means the Pan African University established by the African Union;"PAU Council" means the Council of the Pan African University;"PAU Senate" means the senate of the Pan African University;"Programme Department" refers to a department of a PAU Institute or to a Centre designated as such by the PAU Council;"RECs" means the Regional Economic Communities of the African Union;"Rector" means the Chief Executive of the PAU, also known as Vice Chancellor;"Statute" means the present Statute of the Pan African University;"STC" means Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology;"Thematic Partner" means a development partner engaging in support of one or more of the thematic areas of the PAU.

Article 2 – Principles

1.The PAU is a continental academic, research and innovation institution based on the following guiding principles:
a)Academic freedom, autonomy and accountability;
b)Quality assurance;
c)Strengthening existing African institutions at the graduate studies level to enable them to serve the whole continent;
d)Promotion of African integration through the mobility of students, academic and administrative staff, as well as the development of collaborative research linked to the challenges faced by African countries;
e)Excellence and international partnerships in academic and research activities;
f)Institution of an appropriate framework and a conducive environment to enable the African Diaspora to contribute towards the development of higher education, research and innovation in Africa;
g)Promotion of inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary research programmes integral to policy making processes in Africa;
h)Promotion and harnessing of productive linkages with the industrial sector for innovation and dissemination of new knowledge and technology;
i)Strengthening of research particularly in the thematic areas of the PAU;
j)Promotion of optimal use of Information and Communication Technologies for pedagogy, research and management;
k)Promotion of gender equity at all levels and in all university functions; and
l)Promotion of access to higher education for persons with disabilities.
2.The PAU shall take into account basic principles of the Constitutive Act of the AU, AU Instruments and Policies on Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Agenda 2063, the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights as well as other regional and international human rights instruments.

Article 3 – Objectives

The PAU shall undertake training, research and innovation focused on priority issues in order to attain the following objectives:
a)develop continent-wide and world-class graduate study programmes in science, technology, innovation, humanities, social sciences and governance;
b)stimulate collaborative, internationally competitive, cutting-edge fundamental and applied research, in areas having a direct bearing on the scientific, technological, economic and social development of Africa;
c)enhance the mobility of students and academic staff among African universities to improve on training, research and innovation;
d)contribute to the capacity building needs of present and future stakeholders of the African Union;
e)improve on the attractiveness of African higher education and research institutions to attract and retain talented young professionals on the African continent;
f)initiate and invigorate mutually beneficial partnerships with public and private sectors within Africa and the Diaspora as well as internationally; and
g)facilitate the emergence and strengthening of an African higher education and research platform.

Article 4 – Legal capacity and autonomy of the PAU

1.The PAU is an autonomous institution of the African Union and in conformity with the African Union rules and regulations, shall possess legal personality and capacity to:
(a)Enter into agreements;
(b)Acquire and dispose of moveable and immovable property;
(c)Institute legal proceedings.
2.The PAU shall enjoy the basic principles applicable to all institutions of higher education, which are required for the achievement of its objectives. The observance and respect of these principles, particularly academic freedom, autonomy and accountability shall enable the PAU to function under the best attainable conditions and standards within the framework of the common rules governing the institutions of the African Union.
3.The PAU as well as its host countries and host universities shall grant full academic freedom and self-governance in teaching and research to all members of the academic and research staff of the university. Students of the PAU shall equally be entitled to full learning rights and privileges.

Article 5 – Privileges and immunities

1.The PAU and its staff shall enjoy within the territory of each Member State of the African Union, the status, privileges and immunities provided in the 1965 General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Organization of African Unity and other international agreements and Assembly Decisions relating to the status, privileges and immunities of the African Union and its institutions;
2.PAU Council members and staff travelling on official business of the PAU shall, on request by the Rector, be issued with appropriate African Union travel documents in accordance with relevant AU policies and regulations on travel documents. Students of the PAU shall travel using their own national passports. Host countries shall facilitate access by PAU students to campuses and facilities of the PAU located within their geographical territory.

Article 6 – Structure and organization of the PAU

1.The PAU is a unitary academic, research and innovation institution comprising thematic Institutes hosted in different geographic regions by existing academic institutions operating at the graduate studies level.
2.The Institutes of the PAU shall be dedicated to the following thematic areas and shall be located in the corresponding geographic regions set out below:
(a)Space Sciences in Southern Africa;
(b)Water and Energy Sciences (including climate change) in Northern Africa;
(c)Life and Earth Sciences (including health and agriculture) in Western Africa;
(d)Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation in Eastern Africa; and
(e)Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences in Central Africa.
3.The Assembly may establish additional thematic Institutes of the PAU in any geographic location.
4.Each Institute of the PAU shall have a network of Centres under it, working within the same thematic area as the Institute. Each Centre shall be regarded as forming a constituent part of its corresponding thematic Institute.
5.The Centres of the PAU Institutes shall be identified following a competitive process and they shall be located in a manner that ensures equitable geographical representation among the five regions of the continent.
6.The PAU Council may, on the recommendation of the Board of an Institute, create Programme Departments and any other sub-structures related to training, research, innovation and extension activities within the Institutes and Centres of the PAU.
7.The Council may in consultation with the PAU Senate and the corresponding organ of the host university concerned designate, on grounds of academic excellence, other institutions or parts thereof not forming part of the PAU network as "Institutions Affiliated to the PAU" on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the PAU Council. Institutions affiliated to the PAU shall not form an integral part of the PAU.

Article 7 – Governance and management of the PAU

1.The Assembly has supreme overall responsibility of overseeing the PAU.
2.The management organs of the PAU shall be:
a)The PAU Council;
b)The Rectorate;
c)The PAU Senate;
d)Boards of Institutes; and
e)Directorates of Institutes.
3.The Chairperson of the Commission or his/her designated representative shall preside over all PAU graduation ceremonies.

Article 8 – Functions of the PAU Council

1.The PAU Council shall be the highest governing body of the university and shall have oversight of the policy, finances and property of the PAU. Unless otherwise provided in this Statute, the PAU Council shall have authority to adopt regulations and to issue directives, policies and guidelines to govern all activities and operations of the PAU.
2.The PAU Council shall:
a)Approve the recruitment, promotion and discipline of academic and research staff Of the PAU;
b)Approve staff regulations and rules for the PAU taking into account recommendations from the PAU Senate on the selection and recruitment of academic staff. PAU staff regulations and rules approved by the PAU Council shall be presented to the Executive Council for approval;
c)Approve Codes of Conduct for PAU staff and students following recommendations by the PAU Senate;
d)Approve all other PAU regulations, rules, measures directives, policies and procedures which shall govern the activities and opera­tions of the PAU;
e)Promote socio-cultural activities of the PAU;
f)Designate new Centres of the PAU and Institutions Affiliated to the PAU as well as Programme Departments within the Institutes and Centres of the PAU in consultation with the PAU Senate and the corresponding organ of the host university concerned;
g)Approve work plans and adopt the budget of the PAU on the basis of proposals submitted to it by the Rector;
h)Consider the Rector’s annual activity report covering the work of the PAU and the status of implementation of its work plans;
i)Approve the multi-annual strategic development plan and operational plans of the PAU;
j)Approve any agreements, contracts and other arrangements of a legal nature to be signed by the Rector on behalf of the PAU;
k)Consider and approve the appointment of members of the PAU Senate nominated by the Rector;
l)Report annually on the work of the PAU to the Assembly; and
m)Perform all other functions within its mandate as are necessary for the smooth operation and development of the PAU.
3.The Council may constitute committees or working groups and outline the membership and respective roles thereof as it deems necessary.

Article 9 – Composition of the PAU Council

1.The PAU Council shall be constituted as follows:
b)Vice President;
c)The Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology or his/her representative;
d)The Vice-Chancellors/Vice-Rectors of all host universities of PAU Institutes;
e)The Chairperson of the STC in charge of education or his/her representative;
f)The PAU Rector (ex-officio);
g)The Directors of all PAU Institutes;
h)A representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);
i)A representative from each of the RECs;
j)Two scholars from the African Diaspora, appointed by the Chairperson of the Commission;
k)A representative of the Association of African Universities (AAU);
l)A representative of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS);
m)A representative of the Key and Thematic Partners on a rotational basis;
n)A representative of academic staff of the PAU;
o)A representative of administrative staff of the PAU;
p)Two representatives of students of the PAU.
2.The Executive Council shall elect the President and Vice President of the PAU Council from a list of five candidates presented by the Bureau of the STC. The candidates presented shall be citizens of AU Member States.
3.The Chairperson of the Commission shall appoint all other members of the PAU Council following consultations with the Bureau of the STC and the respective organisations enumerated in sub-article 1 of this article. The Chairperson of the Commission shall ensure merit and competence with due consideration for gender equity and geographical representation in deciding on the appointment of the members of the PAU Council.

Article 10 – Term of office of the PAU Council

1.PAU Council members shall serve a three-year term renewable once.
2.Half of the members of the PAU Council shall be replaced at the end of their three-year term. This half shall be determined by lot at the time of their assumption of office as members of the PAU Council.

Article 11 – Functions of the President of PAU Council

1.The President of the PAU Council shall:
a)Set the agenda of the PAU Council sessions in consultation with the Rector;
b)Summon the members of the PAU Council to attend PAU Council sessions;
c)Preside over the meetings of the PAU Council;
d)Monitor discussions;
e)Represent the PAU Council;
f)Receive all communications addressed to the PAU Council;
g)Sign all official documents issued by the PAU Council; and
h)Perform such other functions as may be specifically assigned by the PAU Council.
2.In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the functions of the President.

Article 12 – Meetings of the PAU Council

1.The PAU Council shall meet twice a year in ordinary session. It may meet in extraordinary session at the request of the President or at least simple majority of the total membership of the PAU Council, in consultation with the Rectorate;
2.The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the total membership of the PAU Council;
3.Decisions of the PAU Council shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting;
4.Except as otherwise determined by the PAU Council, all meetings of the PAU Council shall be held at the Rectorate;
5.Minutes of PAU Council sessions shall be sent to the Commission for information;
6.The Rector shall serve as secretary to the PAU Council.

Article 13 – The Rectorate

1.The Rectorate shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the PAU and shall be headed by the Rector who is the Chief Executive Officer of the PAU.
2.In the performance of his/her functions, the Rector shall be directly responsible to the PAU Council for the discharge of her/his duties and shall be supported by:
a)A Vice-Rector for Academic and Students Affairs;
b)A Vice-Rector for Research, Development and Cooperation; and
c)Such other staff members as are required for the efficient running of the Rectorate.
3.The Chairperson of the Commission shall appoint the Rector and Vice Rectors upon recommendation of the PAU Council following a competitive recruitment process.
4.The Rector shall appoint all other staff of the Rectorate with the approval of the PAU Council.
5.The Rector and Vice Rector shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years renewable once and shall be subject to annual performance evaluation by the PAU Council.

Article 14 – Functions of the Rector

The Rector shall be responsible for implementing the general policy and multi­-annual strategic development plan of the PAU. He/she shall also responsible for the corporate and public image of the University, including its external relations. He/she shall specifically be in charge of the following:
a)Preparing and presenting the annual activity report of the PAU to the PAU Council;
b)Ensuring the implementation of the decisions and directives of the PAU Council;
c)Ensuring the required co-ordination between Directors of Institutes and Coordinators of Programme Departments and Centres;
d)Ensuring the implementation and the periodic monitoring of the PAU's multi-annual strategic development plan as approved by the PAU Council;
e)Authorizing and managing the disbursement of budgetary allocations;
f)Managing the personnel of the PAU;
g)Concluding agreements, contracts or other arrangements between the PAU and other competent bodies for pedagogic, research, management and funding purposes with the approval of the PAU Council;
h)Providing services necessary for the proper functioning of the PAU Council;
i)Reporting regularly to the PAU Council on the functioning of the PAU Senate;
j)Setting specific consultative committees related to the formulation or the implementation of the multi-annual strategic development plan of the PAU; and
k)Performing all other functions as are necessary for the proper administration, smooth operation and development of the PAU.

Article 15 – Functions of the PAU Senate

The PAU Senate shall be in charge of academic affairs, research and innovation activities of the PAU and shall be responsible for:
a)Organizing, promoting and monitoring all training research and innovation activities of the PAU;
b)Making recommendations to PAU Council on the recruitment and establishment of PAU academic staff;
c)Admission, assessment and examination of students, as well as the award and revocation of degrees;
d)Developing and recommending PAU administrative and academic rules and regulations for consideration and approval by the PAU Council;
e)Considering and approving annual academic performance reviews from Institute Boards on organization of studies, academic staff performance, and promotion;
f)Considering recommendations made by Institute Boards and host university Senates on assessment of written research work, projects or similar presentations where there is unanimity amongst the members of the Board of Examiners, and deciding on final assessments;
g)Deciding on activity reports covering the work of the Institutes as submitted by the respective Directors;
h)Ensuring the well-being and discipline of students;
i)Making recommendations to the PAU Council on the designation of Institutions Affiliated to the PAU;
j)Making recommendations to the PAU Council on modalities for closer collaboration between Institutes, Centres and host universities to develop policies for the realization of PAU goals;
k)Deciding on the creation of Programme Departments, Research Laboratories and Teaching Programmes;
l)Appointing committees to assist it in the conduct of its work including, but not limited to, the Standing Committee on Academic Staff responsible for:
i.Developing rules and regulations for PAU academic staff;
ii.Deciding on the academic establishment (list of approved academic positions) for each Institute and Centre and launching recruitment processes upon the recommendation of the Institute Boards;
iii.Approval of recommendations from Institute Boards for the appointment of academic staff:
(a)The Committee of Directors of Institutes;
(b)The Academic Policy, Standards and Quality Assurance Committee;
(c)The Finance and Administrative Committee; and
(d)The Committee on Research and Innovation.
m)Any other matters relevant to the academic affairs, research and innovation activities of the PAU.

Article 16 – Composition of the PAU Senate

The PAU Senate shall be composed as follows:
a)The Rector;
b)A representative of the Department in charge of Education within the Commission;
c)Vice Rector for Academic and Students Affairs;
d)Vice Rector for Research, Development and Cooperation;
e)Director of Administration and Finance;
f)The Deputy Vice Chancellors/Deputy Rectors responsible for academic affairs at all host universities of PAU Institutes;
g)The Directors of all PAU Institutes;
h)One representative of the academic and research staff of each PAU Institute appoint by the PAU Council on the recommendation of the Rector; and
i)One student representative from each PAU Institute appoint by the PAU Council on the recommendation of the Rector.

Article 17 – Meetings of the PAU Senate

1.The PAU Senate shall meet twice a year in ordinary session. It may meet in extraordinary session at the request of the Rector or at least a simple majority of the total membership of the PAU Senate;
2.The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the total membership of the PAU Senate;
3.Decisions of the PAU Senate shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting;
4.Meetings of the PAU Senate shall be held at the Rectorate or at any other convenient place within the PAU Institutes as the Rector shall determine;
5.The Rector shall serve as the chairperson of the PAU Senate. In the absence of the Rector, the Vice Rector for Research Development and Cooperation shall preside over the meetings of the PAU Senate; and
6.The Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs shall serve as secretary to the PAU Senate.

Article 18 – Directorates of Institutes

1.Each Institute shall be headed by a Director who shall be accountable to the Rector in the discharge of her/his duties.
2.In the performance of her/his functions a Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Director and such other staff as may be required for the effective functioning of the Institute.
3.The Rector shall appoint all Directors, Deputy Directors and other staff of the Directorates of PAU Institutes in consultation with the PAU Council and the respective host universities, following a competitive recruitment process.

Article 19 – Functions of the Director of an Institute

1.The Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the Institute.
2.In particular, the Director shall perform the following functions:
a)Ensure effective co-ordination between the Coordinators of all Programme Departments and Centres falling under his/her Institute;
b)Preside over the Annual General Meeting of the Coordinators of Programme Departments and Centres of the Institute in order to draw up the report of the Institute, including an activity report covering the work of the Institute for consideration and decision by the PAU Senate;
c)Liaise between the host university, host country and the PAU Rectorate;
d)Prepare and submit to the Rectorate activity reports on the work of the Institute on semester basis;
e)Ensure implementation of the decisions of the PAU Council at the level of the Institute;
f)Ensure the implementation and periodic monitoring of the multi-­annual strategic development plan of PAU at the level of the Institute, its Programme Departments and Centres;
g)Ensure the commitment and release of funds for which provision has been made in the budget approved by the PAU Council and serve as the authorizing officer for the Institute;
h)Effectively manage the personnel, property, equipment and facilities of the Institute;
i)With the approval of the Rector, sign agreements pertaining to voluntary donations or contributions from governments, national or international organizations, or any other private or public donor organization for the benefit of the Institute;
j)Sign contracts and other agreements on behalf of the Institute;
k)Keep accurate records on the academic progress of each student, and in this connection/receive from Coordinators of Programme Departments and Centres recommendations for the de-registration or withdrawal of students whose academic performance is unsatisfactory, and forward such recommendations to the PAU Senate for appropriate action when there is sufficient cause;
l)Ensure the appointment of Boards of Examiners or juries for postgraduate theses, projects or other related academic or research work;
m)Send out invitations to examiners to participate in the evaluation of postgraduate research work on the recommendation of the relevant Programme Departments or Centres of the Institute;
n)Arrange for official delivery to examiners of written research work, projects or similar presentations duly submitted by PAU students:
o)Receive from the examiners official assessments of such written research work, projects or similar presentations;
p)Convene Board of Examiners meetings in consultation with the Programme Departments or Centres concerned;
q)Forward recommendations of the Board of Examiners jointly to the Vice Chancellor of the host university and the PAU Rector for approval on behalf of the respective Senates where the verdict of such Board is unanimous; provided that in the absence of unanimity, the recommendations of the Board of Examiners shall be deliberated upon by the Board of the Institute and recommendations made thereon to the Senates of the host university and the PAU respectively:
r)Report annually to the Rector on the individual academic accomplishments of academic and research staff employed at the Institute and its Centres; and
s)Undertake any other work or responsibility as may be assigned to him/her by the Rector of the PAU or as may be necessary for the efficient functioning of the Institute.

Article 20 – Boards of Institutes

1.Each PAU Institute shall have a Board whose mandate shall be to supervise, guide and support the Directorate in the management and administration of the Institute.
2.The membership of the Board shall consist of the following:
a)A Vice Rector of the PAU appointed by the Rector in consultation with the PAU Senate, who will serve as chairperson of the Board;
b)The Director of the Institute who will serve as the secretary of the Board;
c)Two (2) Coordinators of Programme Departments within the Institute (on rotational basis);
d)The Coordinators of all Centres of the Institute (on rotational basis);
e)All full-time academic staff of the Institute;
f)Two representatives of the Senate of the host university;
g)A representative of the Thematic Partner(s) of the Institute (on rotational basis); and
h)The Board shall have power to invite other scholars from the host university to attend its meetings in an advisory capacity only and without the right to vote at such meetings.
3.The Board shall be responsible for the supervision of the academic, administrative, and financial management of the Institute. In this regard, its functions shall include:
a)Making recommendations to PAU Senate with regard to the creation of Programme Departments, Research Laboratories and Teaching Programmes; organization of studies, and recruitment and promotion of Research and Teaching Staff in accordance with rules, regulations and guidelines established by the PAU Senate;
b)Making recommendations to the Rector for the appointment of non-professional academic staff;
c)Deliberating upon any unanimous assessments made by the Board of Examiners on written research work, projects or similar student presentations and make recommendations thereon to the Senates of the host university and the PAU respectively;
d)Supervising the Directorate in the areas of:
i.Management of personnel, facilities, equipment and finance;
ii.Planning and budgeting;
iii.Curriculum development, regulations and teaching;
iv.Research and cooperation;
v.Postgraduate theses;
vi.Research projects;
vii.Nominations of supervisors for all Master’s and PhD theses; and
viii.Student affairs.
4.The Board of each Institute may constitute such committees or working groups, as it deems necessary to assist it in the performance of its duties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board shall appoint a Standing Committee on Human Resources responsible for:
a)Considering and approving recommendations from Selection Committees for the appointment non-professorial academic staff;
b)Making recommendations to the PAU Senate Standing Committee on Academic Staff on the academic establishment of the Institute;
c)Developing annual academic performance reviews for approval by the PAU Senate.

Article 21 – Meetings of the Board

1.All meetings of the Board shall require a quorum of simple majority of its membership.
2.Decisions of the Board shall be adopted by a simple majority of members present and voting. In the event of equality of votes, the chairperson shall have a casting vote on the matter.
3.The Board shall meet at least twice a year. The chairperson of the Board shall convene meetings of the Board in consultation with the Director of the Institute.

Article 22 – Programme Departments of Institutes

1.Each Programme Department shall be headed by a Coordinator appointed by the Rector in consultation with the Director of the Institute and the host university.
2.In addition to her/his academic duties and responsibilities, the Coordinator of a Programme Department shall:
a)Ensure effective co-ordination between the Programme Department and the Institute as well as the host university as the case may be;
b)Liaise between the host university, the PAU Institute and the host country;
c)Prepare and submit to the Institute Director monthly reports covering the activities of the Programme Department;
d)Ensure implementation of the decisions of the PAU Council, PAU Senate and the Board at the level of the Programme Department;
e)Ensure the implementation and monitoring of the multi-annual strategic development plan of the PAU at the level of the Programme Department;
f)Ensure the commitment and release funds for which provision has been made in the budget approved by the PAU Council of which he/she shall be the authorizing officer for the Programme Department;
g)Effectively manage the personnel, property, facilities and equipment of the Programme Department;
h)Be in charge of executing the academic and research programmes of the Programme Department with the assistance of programme officers. He/she shall particularly follow up on the: recruitment and professional development of staff; admission continuous assessment and graduation of students; promotion of good relationships between staff and students; and management of internships;
i)Act as the representative of the Institute Director and administer the rules, regulations and policies of the PAU at the level of the Programme Department;
j)Act as the academic and administrative head of the Programme Department;
k)Hold regular Programme Department meetings and ensure that staff members attend such meetings where the Coordinator and the entire staff have the opportunity to exchange ideas on policy matters;
l)Represent the Programme Department on relevant committees and other governing bodies of the host university as may be required;
m)Ensure that proper and acceptable standards of teaching and research are maintained at the Programme Department;
n)Prepare and submit to the Director of the institute budgets, procurement plans and annual reports covering the performance of the Programme Department; and
o)Undertake any other tasks or responsibilities as may be assigned to him/her by the Institute Director.
3.The terms and conditions of service of Programme Department and Centre Coordinators, including the rights and privileges to which they shall be entitled shall be determined in the PAU Staff Regulations and Rules, as may be applicable on the basis of recommendations made by the PAU Council.

Article 23 – PAU Staff

1.The academic and administrative staff of the PAU shall be selected with a view to achieving its stated objectives. The basic criteria for selection shall be the highest standards of qualification, competence, efficiency and integrity.
2.The staff of the PAU shall comprise the following categories:
a)Full-time and part-time academic and administrative staff from host countries;
b)Full-time and part-time academic and administrative staff from other Member States of the African Union;
c)Full-time and part-time academic staff from the African Diaspora and from countries that are not member states of the African Union;
d)Staff provided by host universities and partners on secondment to the PAU; and
e)Visiting academic staff from host countries, Member States, non-Member States of the African Union, the African Diaspora and Partners.
3.The African Union Staff Regulations and Rules shall apply to the PAU staff except the provisions on age and quota as it relates to Academic staff and such other exceptions as may be identified taking into account the unique nature of the PAU as an academic institution. Such exceptions shall be submitted for the consideration and approval of the Executive Council.
4.The PAU Council shall recommend an appropriate retirement age for the Academic staff for the approval of the AU Policy Organs.
5.Part-time academic and administrative staff put at the disposal of the PAU by the host countries, host universities or partners of the PAU shall remain employees of the host government, Host University or partner. This includes:
a)Academic staff;
b)Administrative personnel;
c)Technical personnel; and
d)Support personnel.
6.PAU Institute Directors shall request and obtain a mission order signed by the Rector of the PAU before recruiting or accepting visiting academic and research staff at their respective Institutes.

Article 24 – PAU students

1.Admission to PAU shall open to candidates who demonstrate a capability to undertake, complete and benefit from graduate studies involving training, research and innovation in accordance with the academic standards set by the PAU Senate.
2.Notwithstanding the provisions in sub-article (1) above, admission of women, persons of disability, and the maintenance of fair representation of citizens of all AU Member States, shall be encouraged at all times.
3.Upon admission, continued studentship at the PAU shall be based on compliance with academic and disciplinary rules and regulations laid down by the PAU Senate.

Article 25 – Intellectual property rights

1.All innovations emanating from the research/activities performed by students, academic and research staff at the PAU shall be registered in the host country in the joint names of the innovator(s), host university and the PAU. The PAU shall, in consultation and concurrence with the host university/country, develop a policy document on the registration of such intellectual property rights, and the sharing of proceeds realized from their subsequent commercialization.
2.The policy document referred to in sub-article 1 above shall be reviewed in line with relevant international treaties and conventions on intellectual property rights.
3.The host country's laws and regulations on intellectual property shall have supremacy over other policies in the event of ambiguity.

Article 26 – PAU research policy

1.The PAU shall develop its own research policy, which may vary from one institute to another depending on the nature of their activities and programmes.
2.The research policy shall take into consideration priority research areas identified by the African Union.

Article 27 – Budgeting and financing of the PAU

1.All African Union Member States pledge to support and finance the PAU.
2.Capital costs, recurrent and operational costs of the PAU shall be met from:
a)Annual budget appropriations made by the Assembly;
b)Cash and in-kind contributions, grants and subventions for the PAU made by governments of host countries of the PAU, other Member States of the AU and foreign countries, directly to the PAU or through the Commission;
c)Cash and in-kind contributions, grants and subventions made by non-governmental entities, including key and thematic partners, intergovernmental organizations, foundations, corporate entities, universities and individuals, directly to the PAU or through the Commission; and
d)Tuition fees and related charges, paid by or on behalf of students of the PAU.
3.The Rector shall seek additional funding opportunities for the PAU and may, with the prior approval of the PAU Council, conclude and sign agreements and contracts for the purpose of securing additional funding or support for the activities and programmes of the PAU in accordance with AU Financial Rules and Regulations.
4.The AU Financial Rules and Regulations shall govern all financial operations of the PAU, except such other exceptions as may be identified taking into account the unique nature of the PAU. Such exceptions shall be submitted for the consideration and approval of the Executive Council.
5.Prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, the Rector shall prepare and submit to the PAU Council for approval a consolidated annual budget for the PAU in accordance with the AU Financial Rules and Regulations. The consolidated annual budget of the PAU shall incorporate budget estimates for all activities of:
a)The PAU Council;
b)The PAU Senate;
c)The Rectorate;
d)All PAU Institutes and Centres including activities of their respective Directorates and Boards; and
e)The PAU Project Management or Coordinating Unit located within the Commission
6.Following the approval of the consolidated annual budget by the PAU Council, the Rector shall proceed to execute the budget in conformity with the provisions of the Financial Rules and Regulations of the African Union.

Article 28 – The Endowment Fund

1.An Endowment Fund shall be created for the PAU based on voluntary contributions.
2.The following may be contributors to the Endowment Fund:
a)Member States of the African Union;
b)Regional Economic Communities (RECs);
c)Development Partners and relevant Donors;
d)Public and private sources; and
e)Other sources as the PAU Council may determine.
3.The management of the Endowment Fund shall be in conformity with the Financial Rules and Regulations of the African Union.
4.Each host country of a PAU an Institute, the Rectorate of the PAU shall commit additional resources to support the university.

Article 29 – Seat

1.Unless otherwise decided by the Assembly, the headquarters of the Rectorate shall be located in Yaounde, Cameroon.
2.Host agreements shall be signed between the African Union and host countries and Universities for the Rectorate, Institutes and Centres of the PAU.

Article 30 – Disciplinary Committees

1.The PAU Senate shall, acting on the recommendations of the Board, set up a Staff Disciplinary Committee in each PAU Institute and Centre comprising not less than seven (7) members, provided that the total membership of the committee must always be an odd number.
2.The PAU Senate shall, acting on the recommendations of the Board, set up a Student Disciplinary Committee in each PAU Institute and Centre comprising not less than seven (7) members, provided that the total membership of the committee must always be an odd number.
3.The Disciplinary Committees shall conduct hearings and make decisions on acts of indiscipline committed by staff and students in contravention of the relevant rules and regulations applicable to staff and students of the PAU.
4.Students may appeal to the Rector against decisions of the Student Disciplinary Committee. Staff may appeal to the PAU Council against decisions of the Staff Disciplinary Committee. Appeals shall be brought in accordance with procedures and timelines set out in the relevant rules and regulations.

Article 31 – Award of scholarships, degrees and examination regulations

1.The regulations and criteria for the award of Pan African University Scholarships to PAU students shall be determined by the PAU Senate and approved by the PAU Council.
2.Degrees shall be jointly awarded by the PAU and the host universities. The PAU Senate shall, in consultation with the host universities, issue examination regulations and the modalities for the award of joint degrees subject to the approval of the Councils of the respective institutions.

Article 32 – Amendments

1.This Statute may be amended by the Assembly upon recommendation of the PAU Council through the relevant STC.
2.The amendments shall come into force upon their adoption by the Assembly.

Article 33 – Working languages

The working languages of the PAU shall be those of African Union, where applicable.

Article 34 – Entry into force

This Statute shall enter into force upon its adoption by the Assembly.Adopted by the twenty-sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia31 January 2016
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History of this document

31 January 2016 this version