Resolution on Technical Co-operation Among Developing Countries

CM/Res. 560(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty - Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23rd June to 3 July, 1977

Recognizing that the prevailing conditions of international economic and technological relationships between developing and developed countries have not permitted an equitable distribution of global income and wealth,

Expressing disappointment for the unfavourable outcome of the North -South dialogue which aimed at reaching a global understanding on basic economic issues affecting the quality of life and the standard of living of two thirds of the world population,

Convinced that additional global measures are required for the implementation of the United Nations “Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order” adopted by the Sixth and Seve nth Special Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly,

Realizing that the international flow of concessionary capital must be augmented in order to support the intensive development efforts currently undertaken by developing countries,

Expressing satisfaction at the favourable results of the Afro-Arab Summit conference, and especially the financial assistance granted within the framework of co -operation as well as the solidarity and friendly relations existing between Arab countries and Africa,

Noting that the abundant African natural resources have not yet been fully assessed and evaluated, and that where such resources have been identified the technology of exploitation in many instances remains the monopoly of the developed countries,

Realizing that a policy of collective self-reliance by developing countries should be pursued with a sense of dedication and vigorous determination,

Realizing further that developing countries have already established a capability which should be directed towards joint cooperation in the acceleration of growth and development in their countries,

Recognizing the KUWAIT DECLARATION on Technical Co-operation Among Developing Countries (TCDC) which stresses the need for re -orientation of the present technical assistance with the view of accelerating the flow of technical cooperation between developing countries while not relieving the industrialized countries from discharging their responsibilities,

  1. DECIDES that the current efforts undertaken by the UNDP t o institutionalize TCDC activities should be pursued vigorously in the context of the restructuring of the United Nations development system;

  1. REQUESTS that at least 5 percent of international capital flows should be directed to help strengthen technical cooperation among developing countries with the aim of accelerating their national investment absorptive capacity;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the UN conference on TCDC be held in 1978 in Argentina should be a decisive event in the evolution of a new international ord er;

  1. REAFFIRMS that this conference should be an opportunity for the world community to contribute towards the development of all the potentials of two -thirds of the world population.

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