Decision on the Implementation of the Theme of the Year - Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XXIX)

Decision on the Implementation of the Theme of the Year - Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XXIX)

Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XXIX)

The Assembly,

  1. WELCOMES the theme of the year 2017: “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth”;

  2. COMMENDS H.E. Mr. Idris Deby Itno, Leader of the theme of the year 2017, for his commitment to African youth;

  3. WELCOMES the successful organization of a Pan-African Youth Forum in N'Djamena, Chad from 29 June to 1 July 2017;

  4. COMMENDS the African youth for their active participation in the Forum;

  5. TAKES NOTE of the recommendations of the Forum and REQUESTS

the Commission to ensure their implementation;

  1. ALSO TAKES NOTE of the Progress Report of the Leader of the theme of the year 2017;

  2. FURTHER TAKES NOTE of the Progress Report of the Commission on the Implementation of the theme of the year 2017;

  3. URGES Member States which have not yet done so to ratify the African Youth Charter;

  4. REQUESTS the Commission and the Pan-African Youth Union (PYU) to accelerate the implementation of their joint MoU which binds them;

  5. COMMENDS Member States for the successful launch of the theme of the year 2017 in their respective countries and REQUESTS those which have not yet launched the theme to do so;

  6. TAKES NOTE of the implementation by the Commission of the pilot projects on technical and vocational training and non-formal education within the framework of the implementation of continental strategies;

  7. WELCOMES the proclamation of the period 2018-2027 as "African Decade for Technical, Vocational and Entrepreneurial Training, and Youth Employment" and the creation of the African Youth Fund;

  8. CALLS UPON Member States to make available adequate resources for the leadership and the empowerment of African youth and the implementation of national plans for youth development;




INVITES the Leader of the theme of the year 2017 to follow-up on the conclusions of the Pan-African Youth Forum in N'Djamena;

DECIDES to institutionalize the Pan-African Youth Forum.

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