Resolution on the Creation of a Working group on specific issues relevant to the work of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights



The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, meeting at its 37th Ordinary Session held from 27th April to 11th May in Banjul, The Gambia;


1. Considering the necessity for certain matters to be dealt with expeditiously;


2. Bearing in mind the creation of the African Union and the creation of various organs and institutions within the afore mentioned Union;


3. Noting the entry into force of the Protocol to the African Charter on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the complementary role of the African Commission and the aforementioned Court;


4. Noting also the delay in the finalization of certain issues including the follow-up to its recommendations and decisions;


5. Noting further Articles 42 (2) of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Rule 121 of the Rules of Procedure of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the modalities of amendment of the said Rules of Procedure;


6. Noting Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure on the establishment of Committees and Working Groups;


7. Decides to establish a Working Group to deal with the following specific issues :


a. The review of the Rules of Procedure of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, ensuring that the following items are included:


 The relationship between the Bureau and the Secretariat of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights;

 The relationship between the African Commission and its various partners;

 The relationship between the African Commission and the various organs and institutions of the African Union; and

 Any other relevant issues.


b. The mechanism and procedure on the follow-up on decisions and recommendations of the African Commission;

c. The structure of different reports of the African Commission;

d. The modalities for the establishment of a Voluntary Fund for Human Rights in Africa; and

e. The follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations of the Retreat of the African Commission in Addis Ababa of September 2003, the evaluation report on the work of the African Commission and the UPPSALA consultation of June 2004.


8. The Working Group will comprise 3 Members of the African Commission and 3 external experts from its partners Interights, Open Society Justice Initiative and the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa.

9. The Working Group shall have a mandate of six months.


10. The Working Group shall report to the African Commission at its 38th ordinary session.


11. The African Union is hereby requested to provide the Working Group with the necessary resources to successfully discharge its mandate.


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