Decision on the Report of the Ninth Conference of Ministers Responsible for Animal Resources

Doc. EX.CL/807(XXIV)

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Ninth Ministerial Conference on Animal Resources on increasing and sustaining investment in livestock sector held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 18 to 19 April 2013, and ENDORSES the recommendations contained therein;

2. WELCOMES the sustained efforts of the Commission to promote the development of livestock as a resource for food security, regional integration and economic development on the continent;

3. CONTINUES to invite Member States to honour the Maputo commitments to allocate 10% of their national budgets to agriculture, by introducing policy and institutional reforms to attract investments, especially within the framework of public/private partnerships;

4. URGES the Commission and RECs to enhance initiatives fostering regional integration through harmonisation of veterinary and animal science curricula based on international standards, mobility of professionals and mutual recognition of qualifications by Member States;

5. REQUESTS the Commission to lead and coordinate the formulation of a Livestock Development Strategy for the Continent that will fast track the reforms in the sector and the realization of its full potential , and to report to the Executive Council in January 2015;

6. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission and the RECs:

i) to assist Member States in identifying and strengthening initiatives on conservation and utilisation of African Animal genetic resources, including establishment of gene banks for in-situ and ex-situ conservation;

ii) to support Member States in strengthening resilience of livestock production systems and livestock dependent communities to extreme events including outbreaks of diseases affecting resilience.

7. CALLS UPON the relevant development partners to provide the required technical and financial support to Member States, the Commission and RECs to ensure the effective implementation of this Decision;

8. ENCOURAGES Member States to recognize and support the role of women in livestock development.

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