Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate, Appointment of the Chairperson, and Reconstitution of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV

ACHPR/Res. 460 (LXVI) 2020: Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate, Appointment of the Chairperson, and Reconstitution of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV


The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 66th Ordinary Session, held virtually from 13 July to 7 August 2020:


Recalling its mandate of promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights in Africa under Article 45 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Charter);


Considering that as part of fulfilling its mandate, the Commission has established various mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights in Africa;


Recognizing its fundamental role to protect vulnerable groups in Africa from human rights violations;


Recognising further that people living with HIV and those at risk are currently one of the most vulnerable groups exposed to serious violations of human rights in Africa;


Recalling its Resolution ACHPR/Res.163 (XLVII) 2010 adopted at its 47th Ordinary Session on the establishment of a Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV (the HIV Committee);


Further recalling its Resolutions ACHPR/Res.172 (XLVIII) 2010 and ACHPR/ Res. 285 (EXT.OS/XVI) 2014, all appointing Members for the HIV Committee;


Bearing in mind its Resolutions ACHPR/Res.195 (L) 2011 and ACHPR/Res.325 (LVII) 2015 on the Appointment of the various Chairpersons of the HIV Committee;


Considering its Resolutions ACHPR/Res.220 (LI) 2012, ACHPR/Res.279 (LV) 2014, and ACHPR/Res. 352(EXT.OS/XX) 2016, all on the renewal of the mandate of the HIV Committee and its Members;


Recalling Resolution ACHPR/Res.383 (LXI) 2017 on the Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the HIV Committee


Further recalling Resolution ACHPR/Res.425 (LXV) 2019 which renewed the mandate of all its Special Mechanisms, including the HIV Committee for a period of six (6) months, with effect from 10 November 2019;


Noting with appreciation the work undertaken by the HIV Committee under the leadership of Commissioner Soyata Maiga in the discharge of its mandate;


Further noting that the term of the Chairperson and Members of the HIV Committee has come to an end;


Recognizing further the importance of the HIV Committee in the promotion and protection of the rights of People living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and affected by HIV in Africa and the necessity to allow the HIV Committee to continue to carry out its mandate;


Bearing in mind the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) relating to its Special Mechanisms, adopted during its 27th Extra-Ordinary Session held from 19 February to 4 March 2020, in Banjul, The Gambia;


Noting in particular, guidance provided by the SOPS on the working modalities of Special Mechanisms, general roles and responsibilities of mandate holders, the composition, appointment, tenure and conduct of mandate holders; as well as terms of office of Expert Members;


Noting the Final Communiqué of the 28th Extraordinary Session held from 29 June to 1 July 2020 wherein responsibilities were assigned to Commissioners;


Decides to:


  1. Appoint Commissioner Alexia Gertrude Amesbury as Chairperson of the HIV Committee for a period of two years effective 1 July 2020;

  2. Appoint for the same period Commissioner Maria Teresa Manuela as Vice-Chairperson of the HIV Committee;

  3. Appoint for the same period Commissioner Mudford Zacharia Mwandenga as member of the HIV Committee;

  4. Appoint for the same period the following Expert Members:

  • Mr. Fogué Dzutué Alain Patric Ledoux (Central Africa)

  • Christian Nsabimana Garuka (East Africa)

  • Nyasha Constance Chingore (Southern Africa)

  • Dr Patrick Michael EBA (West Africa)

  • Agnes Atim Apea (East Africa)


Done virtually, 07 August 2020


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Cited documents 9

Resolution 9
1. Draft Resolution on the renewal of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ Special Mechanisms’ mandates 37 citations
2. Resolution on the Establishment of a Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People living with HIV (PLHIV)and those at risk, vulnerable to and affected bv HIV - Recalled 12 May 2014 13 citations
3. Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of people Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at risk, vulnerable to and affected by HIV 8 citations
4. Resolution on the Extension of the Mandate of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People living with HIV (PLWHIV), and those at risk, vulnerable to and affected by HIV in Africa 8 citations
5. Resolution on the Appointment of Members of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People living With HIV (PLHIV)and those at risk, vulnerable to and affected bv HIV 7 citations
6. Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV 7 citations
7. Resolution on the Extension of the Mandate of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People living with HIV, and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and affected by HIV in Africa 7 citations
8. Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV 6 citations
9. Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate of Expert Members of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV and Those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV 6 citations