Intellectual Property:
Statement of the South African Youth Council on the SA Copyright Amendment Bill
Strengthening the Regulation Regimes for Collecting Societies in South Africa and Nigeria: Any Room for Competition Law? [PhD thesis]
Application Program Interfaces and the Law of Copyright in South Africa: A Proposal for an Optimal Approach [LLM Dissertation]
Protection of IP for Grassroots Innovation with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada!)
Explainer: What will the new EU copyright rules change for Europe's Cultural Heritage Institutions
What the history of copyright in academic publishing tells us about Open Research
The Authoritative Canadian Copyright Review: Industry Committee Issues Balanced, Forward-Looking Report on the Future of Canadian Copyright Law
The Canadian government has released the surprisingly sensible results of its extensive, year-long review of copyright law
Paradigm Shift 2: More recommended changes to Canadian copyright law announced
Music and Copyright
Mobile Technologies:
How to Use Mobile Technologies to develop your Writing Skills
Mobile Technologies, M-Learning and Social Networking