Intellectual Property:
Decolonising Copyright, Building Our Creative & Information Economy (South Africa)(Seminars 7-8 August 2019)
The New Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive: A Critical Look (EU)
SpicyIP Fellowship 2019-20: Article 13 (of the EU Directive) and The Economics of Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Age
The Netherlands leads way with implementation of the new educational exception
The Law and Accessible Texts: Reconciling Civil Rights and Copyrights
Who Owns the Law? How to Restore Public Ownership of Legal Publication
NZ considers changes to copyright law as part of promise to help end global ‘book famine’
Countries with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada!)
What Happens When Books Enter the Public Domain? Testing Copyright’s Underuse Hypothesis Across Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada