2678 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
Resolution on Liberia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on Mozambique African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on Somalia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Celebration of the Centenary of Film Invention African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Crisis between the Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the United States of America, The United Kingdom and France African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Granting of OAU Oberver Status to the Forum of African Voluntary Development organizations (FAVDO) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Granting of OAU Observer Status to the African Iron and Steel Association African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Implementation of the Programme-Budget for 1993/94 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the International Convention on Desertification African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Methodology of the Sessions of the Council of Ministers African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Middle East African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Ninth Session of the Scientific Council for Africa (SCA) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Pan-African Conference on Youth and Development African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Problem of Arrears of Contribution African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Question of Palestine African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Report of the Nominating Committee African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Report of the Standing Committee on the Review of the Scale of Assessment of the Organization of African Unity African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Situation in Angola African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Situation in Rwanda African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Resolution on the Sixth African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) on the Convention on Biodiverity African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Vote of Thanks African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 27 January 1995
Motion of Thanks and Encouragement African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution an Aids and the Child in Africa Call for Action African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Africa Centre African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Africa's Contribution to the Forthcoming World Summit on Social Development African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Afro-Arab Cooperation African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Burundi African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Cooperation between the ACP Countries and the European Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Food Security in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Health and Development Policies African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Liberia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Setting up Follow-Up Mechanisms for the Achievement of the Mid-decade Goals Emanating from the Consensus of Dakar as well as the Goals set for the Year 2000 Emanating from the World Declaration on Child Survival, Protection and Development in the 1990's African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on Somalia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on South Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Activities of the OAU General Secretariat in the Field of Population and Development Policy in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Crisis Between the Great Jamahiriya and the USA, Uk and France African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Elaboration of an International Covention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification Particularly in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Financing Mechanisms and Development Strategies for Cultural Industries, Factor of Pan-African Integration African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Follow-Up of the International Conference on Assistance to African Children (ICAAC) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Granting of "a Standing Invitation" to the international Olympic Committee (IOC) by the united Nations General Assembly African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Granting of OAU Observer Status to the African Academy of Sciences African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Granting of OAU Observer Status to the African Society of International And Comparative Law African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Implementation of an African Nuclear Free Zone Treaty African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Kampala Action Plan on Women and Peace African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Middle East African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994
Resolution on the Mozambique Peace Process African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 June 1994