Documents by Pan-African Parliament

201 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
Recommendation on the peace process in Darfour African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 November 2006
Recommendation on the phenomenon of migration in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 November 2006
Recommendation on the situation in Somalia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 November 2006
Activity Report of the Pan-African Parliament, January to June 2006 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Activity Report 21 June 2006
Audit of constitutions of member states of the AU African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 12 May 2006
Implementation of the AU and PAP budgets African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
Resolution on the violation of human rights on women and children in the Darfur region of the Sudan African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 12 May 2006
The strategic plan of the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 12 May 2006
Trade, customs and immigration African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
Recommendation on the solution on the creation of the University of Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 2 December 2005
Resolution on collection of dues of member states to the African African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution on the on the tragedy which befell Nigeria African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution on the Pan-African Parliament strategic plan 2006-2010 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution on the unconditional release of Dr Kizza Besigye leader of the opposition in Uganda African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution on World Summit on Information Society African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution to reiterate the strengthening of the role of African Parliament in fostering democracy and good governance through knowledge and information management African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution to support the organization of a conference by certain organizations to address ICT issues African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution to thank ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Resolution to thank the ACT-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly for the recognition of the Pan-African Parliament in its Resolution regarding the implementation of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 2 December 2005
Recommendation on communication and transport infrastructure in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation on encouraging Pan-African investment and financing institutions to focus on Africa's rural economy African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation on Pan-African Parliament peace mission to Darfur African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation on the African Land Title System African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation on World Summit on Information Society African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation relating to the creation of an African phytogenetic resource bank African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendation relating to the request directed to states who have not yet ratified the Constitutive Act of the Union and the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Resolution of appreciation of the work of Mr Kofi Annan, the Secretary General United Nations African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution of congratulations to H.E. Thabo Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa on his success in achieving a peace agreement between the warring parties in Cote D’Ivoire African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution on signing of adherence to the African Peer Review Mechanism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution on the appreciation of the intervention of the Chairperson of the African Union in the Togo crisis African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution on the development of a Continental Code of Conduct on the Use and Exploitation of National Resources and Environmental Protection African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution on the dispatch of Pan-African Parliament peace mission to Côte D’Ivoire at the beginning of May 2005 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution on the dispatch of Pan-African Parliament peace mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo during the first fortnight of May 2005 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Resolution relating to the presidential elections in Togo on 24 April 2005 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 11 April 2005
Annual report of the Pan-African Parliament, March 2004 to March 2005 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Activity Report 31 March 2005
Recommendation on NEPAD Secretariat to speed up the process of completing NEPAD projects on different issues for mobilization of resources for implementation African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendation on the establishment of a tenure for the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendation on the role of the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on peace and security in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on the budget for the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on the New Partnership for Africa's Development and the African Peer Review Mechanism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Resolution on conflict resolution African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004
Resolution on corruption African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004
Resolution on oversight African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004
Resolution on peace and security; women and children in armed conflicts African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004
Resolution on ratification of Protocol on women's rights in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004
Resolution thanking the Republic of South Africa for hosting the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Resolution 1 October 2004