Soft Law

4079 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
Decision on the Outcome of the Second Mid-Year Coordination Meeting Between the African Union, The Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms- Doc. Assembly/AU/6(XXXIV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 7 February 2021
Decision on the Outcome of the Sixth Ordinary Session of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 25 January 2008
Decision on the Outcome of the Tenth Ordinary Meeting of the Specialised Technical Committee on Defence, Safety and Security African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 29 January 2018
Decision on the Outcomes of the Bahir Dar Ministerial Retreat of the Executive Council African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Outcomes of the Retreat of the Executive Council Held in Nairobi, Kenya on 6-7 May, 2016 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 15 July 2016
Decision on the Oversight and Accountability Mechanism(s) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 15 July 2016
Decision on the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace-Biennale of Luanda African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 4 February 2021
Decision on the Pan-African Forum for The Culture of Peace-Biennale of Luanda - Doc. Ex.CL/1265(XXXVIII) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 7 February 2021
Decision on the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 25 January 2008
Decision on the Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 29 June 2006
Decision on the Pan-African Women's Movement African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 29 June 2006
Decision on the Pan-Africa University Statutes – Doc. Assembly/AU/11(XX) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 28 January 2013
Decision on the Participation of the African Union in the Regional Conference on African Commodities African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 6 March 2003
Decision on the Participation of the Commission of the African Union in the World Exposition in Shanghai, China African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 25 January 2010
Decision on the Partnership for the Eradication of Mother-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS Doc. assembly/AU/17 (XV) Add.1 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 27 July 2010
Decision on the Peace Process Between Ethiopia and Eritrea African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2001
Decision on the Peace Process in Burundi African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 8 July 2003
Decision on the Peace Process in Somalia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 8 July 2003
Decision on the Peace Process in the Democratic Republic of Congo African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 8 July 2003
Decision on the Peace Process in the Sudan African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 8 July 2003
Decision on the Periodicity of the Ordinary Sessions of the Assembly African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2004
Decision on the Place of the African Population Commission (APC) in the African Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2002
Decision on the Place of the OAU Labour and Social Affairs Commission in the African Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2002
Decision on the Plan of Action for the Implementation of the great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 30 January 2009
Decision on the Plan of Action on the Family in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 4 July 2004
Decision on the Policy on Access to Post-Primary Education for Victims of Forced Displacement in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 25 January 2008
Decision on the Post-2015 Development Agenda - Doc. Assembly/AU/6(XXVI) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 31 January 2016
Decision on the Post of Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2016
Decision on the Preferential Exchange Rates for Salaries used in the Brussels and Geneva Offices of the Commission African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 16 March 2004
Decision on the Preparation for the Ministerial Conference on Illicit Proliferation, Circulation and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2000
Decision on the Preparation of the G8 Summit - Doc. EX.CL/508(XV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 3 July 2009
Decision on the Preparation of the G8 Summit – Doc. EX.CL/508(XV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 3 July 2009
Decision on the Preparation of the Twelfth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 25 January 2008
Decision on the Preparations for the 8th All-Africa Trade Fair African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 8 July 2001
Decision on the Preparations for the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2011
Decision on the Preparations for the Second Afro-Arab Summit Doc. assembly/AU/15(XV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 27 July 2010
Decision on the Preparations for the Third Africa-European Union Summit Doc. assembly/AU/16(XV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 27 July 2010
Decision on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 27 July 2010
Decision on the Prevention of Unconstitutional Changes of Government and Strengthening the Capacities of the African Union to Manage such Situations - Doc. assembly/AU/4(XIV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 2 February 2010
Decision on the Prevention of Unconstitutional Changes of Government and Strengthening the Capacity of the African Union to Manage Such Situations - Doc. assembly/AU/7(XIII) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 3 July 2009
Decision on the Proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of the Youth African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 2 February 2010
Decision on the Proclamation of 2014 the Year of Agriculture and Food Security African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 16 July 2012
Decision on the Proclamation of the 2004 “International Year for Physical Education and Sports in the Service of Development and Peace” – Doc. Assembly/AU/8(II) Add. 7 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 12 July 2003
Decision on the Programme-Budget for the Financial Year 2004 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 12 July 2003
Decision on the Programme of Action for the Implementation of the African Regional Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 21 January 2006
Decision on the Progress Report of the Ad-hoc Committee on Structural Reform African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Decision on the Progress Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Establishment of the African Union Centre for Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 13 July 2012
Decision on the Progress Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Implementation of Decision assembly/AU/Dec.275(XIV) on the Year of Peace and Security in Africa Doc. assembly/AU/7(XV) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 27 July 2010
Decision on the Progress Report of the Commission on the Development of the African Union Agenda 2063 Doc. Assembly/AU/3(XXII) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Decision 31 January 2014
Decision on the Progress Report of the Commission on the Establishment of the African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 12 June 2015