Soft Law

4079 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
Recommendation relating to the request directed to states who have not yet ratified the Constitutive Act of the Union and the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 11 April 2005
Recommendations emanating from the dialogue on youth African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 17 March 2014
Recommendations emanating from the women dialogue African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 March 2014
Recommendations for the approval of the Energies for Africa project and the creation of an energy-financing structure African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 15 October 2015
Recommendations of the Ninth 2016 Conference of Women Parliamentarians of the Pan-African Parliament on the theme: Promoting women access to political decision-making and leadership positions: a parliamentarian response to gender equality African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 18 October 2016
Recommendations of the Pan-African Parliament for the industrial sector in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 17 May 2019
Recommendations on African peer review mechanism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 October 2014
Recommendations on climate change African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on educational systems in conflict and post-conflict countries African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on issues of peace and security in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 October 2014
Recommendations on large scale based land tenure African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 October 2014
Recommendations on peace and security in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2004
Recommendations on peace and security in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 12 May 2006
Recommendations on the advocacy for persons with disability African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 October 2014
Recommendations on the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the budget for the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on the budget for the Pan-African Parliament African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2004
Recommendations on the decolonisation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the free movement of people and the new African passport African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 18 October 2016
Recommendations on the means of investing effectively in: Parliamentary response to the phenomenon of “land grab” African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the New Partnership for Africa's Development and the African Peer Review Mechanism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 1 October 2004
Recommendations on the New Partnership for Africa's Development and the African Peer Review Mechanism African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2004
Recommendations on the review budget regarding the PAP members status African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 20 April 2010
Recommendations on the review budget regarding the PAP members status African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2010
Recommendations on the situation in Central African Republic African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 16 May 2013
Recommendations on the situation in Côte d’Ivoire African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the situation in Libya African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the situation in Mali African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 16 May 2013
Recommendations on the situation in Niger African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2010
Recommendations on the situation in Niger African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 20 April 2010
Recommendations on the situation in Somalia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 16 May 2013
Recommendations on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 16 May 2013
Recommendations on the situation in Tunisia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 14 October 2011
Recommendations on the situation of human rights in Saharawi Republic African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 20 April 2010
Recommendations on the situation of human rights in Saharawi Republic African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2010
Recommendations on the social responsibility of Parliamentarians to fight child labour in mining areas African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 17 October 2019
Recommendations on transitional justice African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 23 October 2014
Regional Economic Communities (RECs) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Recommendation 31 December 2006
Report : Field Mission of the Peace and Security Council to the Burkinabe Republic conducted from 22 to 27 July 2023 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Report 31 July 2023
Report of the Activities of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on Contributions African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 31 May 1997
Report of the OAU Commission of Twenty on the Situation of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 31 May 1997
Report of the OAU Commission on the Situation of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Report of the Secretary-General on Afro-Arab Co-operation African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 31 May 1997
Report of the Secretary-General on Afro-Arab Co-operation African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Organisation for the Period February to May 1997 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 31 May 1997
Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Special Emergency Assistance Fund for Drought and Famine in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Report of the Secretary-General on the African Common Position and Plan of Action on Child Labour in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 7 June 1998
Report of the Secretary-General on the Application for Observer Status with the OAU by the Union of Producers and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa (UPDEA) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 31 May 1997