2678 documents

Title Jurisdiction Date
Decision on the Report of the Extraordinary Session of the AU Conference of Ministers of Trade (CAMOT), 23-28 April 2014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Report of the PRC Sub-Committee on Multilateral Cooperation with Respect to Africa's Strategic Partnerships African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Report of the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers Education of the African Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Report of the Sub-Committee on Contributions African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Report on the Implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Rules of Procedure of the Ministerial Committee on the Challenges of Retification/Accession and Implementation of the OAU/AU Treaties African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Third Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Transport (CAMT) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on the Thirty-Sixth Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision the Progress Report of the Election into the 2nd Permanent ECOSOCC General Assembly African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 June 2014
Decision on African Candidatures in the international System African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on Election of Ten Members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on Member States Contributions African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on Scale of Assessment African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the 2013 Activity Report of the African Court on Human and Peopls Rights African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the 20th Ordinary Session of the Conference of AU Ministers of Industry (CAMI XX) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Annual Report of the Commission for 2013 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the AU 2012 Financial Statements African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Election of the Pan African University Council African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Implementation of the July 2008 Assembly Declaration on the Sharm El-Sheikh Commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation Goals in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Location of the African Institute for Remittances (AIR) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Outcomes of the Bahir Dar Ministerial Retreat of the Executive Council African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Regional Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 30 September- 4 October 2013 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the 8th Ordinary Session of the AU Conference of Ministers of Trade, 21-25 October 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Commission on Development of the African Union Agenda 2063 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to the Republic of Mali by the ACHPR African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Fifth Session of the Conference of African Union Ministers of Sport African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Fifth Special Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the High Level Meeting on Renewed Partnership for a Unified Approach to end Hunger in Africa by 2025 under the Framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Ninth Conference of Ministers Responsible for Animal Resources African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Ninth Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the PRC Sub-Committee on Multilateral Cooperation with Respect to Africa's Strategic Partnerships African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Sixth Session of the Conference of African Union Ministers of Health and Report of the Fifth Meeting of the African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Report of the Sub-Committee on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Revised Budget of the Afrian Union for the 2014 Financial Year African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Revised Financial Rules and Regulations of the African Union African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Sixth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI VI) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Sixth Ordinary Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Thirty-Fifth Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 28 January 2014
Decision on the Election of the New Commissioner for Peace and Security African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 11 October 2013
Decision on African Candidatures for Posts Within the International System African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on Africa's Strategic Partnerships African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on Middle East and Palestine African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Activity Report of the African Union Commission on International Law (AUCIL) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Amendment of Terms of Reference for the PRC Sub-Committee on Audit Matters African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Budget of the African Union for the 2014 Financial Year African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Development of the African Union Commission Strartegic Plan 2014-2017 and AU Agenda 2063 African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Election of Four (4) Members of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Election of Four (4) Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACEWRC) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the first Progress Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Situation in Western Sahara African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013
Decision on the Report of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) African Union Icon African Regional Bodies · African Union (AU) Statement 24 May 2013